Posted in: Funcom, Games, Video Games | Tagged: dune, Dune: Spice Wars, Funcom, Shiro Games
Dune: Spice Wars Team Posts New FAQ About The Game
The team behind Dune: Spice Wars took to the game's Steam page this week to address some of the biggest frequently asked questions so far. There's no new footage of the game or any major reveals about what you'll be doing, but it does enlighten a bit as to what to expect on this expanded RTS title. We have a sample of some of the questions below as they address the nature of the gameplay, which was a big topic online as this will be the first RTS Dune game in two decades, but you can read the full FAQ at the link above. The game is currently earmarked to be released sometime in 2022.
Is [Dune: Spice Wars] an RTS or a 4X?
It is both. The game is real time, but the pace is slower than in a typical RTS (and you can pause and fast forward). The game also features exploration, territory control, economic growth, combat, politics and spying, features that make it a true 4X game but do not detract from the RTS experience.
Will there be base building in the game?
You can construct buildings in your base of operation (Arrakeen for the Atreides for exemple). This is shown as structures added to the base itself and it is interface based. You don't manually place buildings on the ground as the game is at a much larger scale than your typical RTS.
Why did you choose to release the game in Early Access instead of as a full game further down the line?
We had very good experiences with Early Access on our previous games. We were able to balance things better with player feedback and we changed our release schedule to fit player expectations on several instances. Our goal is to have a very good game on day one, but we still want the opportunity to tweak or change systems and add content depending on what the community feels.
Why did you choose the somewhat cartoonish and bold art style?
Creating a game on a desert planet has quite a few challenges, one of which is making sure what you look at for a few hours is not bland even if it's just rock and sand. We spent a lot of time working on the environment and even worked with a geologist specialized in deserts to create things that could exist on such a planet. The stylized art direction comes into play by adding things that bring a variety of colors and shapes so that the environment can stay harsh while not getting boring.