Posted in: Board Games, Fantasy Flight Games, Games | Tagged: Fallout, Fallout Shelter, Fantasy Flight Games
"Fallout Shelter" Board Game Coming Soon from Fantasy Flight Games
If you're a fan of the Fallout franchise, especially the Fallout Shelter game that debuted a few years back for your Pip-Boy… uhm, cell phone a few years back. Fantasy Flight Games has a new board game that's sure to get you more revved up than a super-mutant with an unlimited supply of Nuka-Cola! Fallout Shelter is coming soon to a game store near you!
The bombs have fallen, but under 2,000 feet of bedrock your Vault-Tec Vault is a thriving and joyous community—at least until the untimely death of your Overseer. Now, it's up to you and your fellow officers to keep your Vault Dwellers safe, productive, and happy. Compete with the other players to see who can inspire the most happiness and be elected as the new Overseer!
Fallout Shelter is based largely off of the popular app game, but it's been translated pretty faithfully to a board game format. You play one of the vault dwellers vying to become the new Overseer, but in order to make that happen, you're going to have to keep your crew happy, productive, and most of all, alive!
Fallout Shelter is a worker-placement game that puts you in charge of the various Vault Dwellers in your underground utopia beneath a post-nuclear world. You'll start every game with two Pip-Boy bobbleheads, representing the Dwellers you personally lead as an officer. While two may seem like a small amount, with careful planning you can facilitate the repopulation of our great nation and increase your number of Dwellers up to seven. No matter how many Dwellers you have, however, on your turn, you'll have to decide how your Dwellers spend their time. Maybe you'll send them to a lounge to increase their happiness. Or perhaps you'll send them back to their living quarters to produce even more Dwellers!
Fallout Shelter uses a cool card dynamic that lets players build their Vault pretty much any way they want, with new cards representing the layout of the vault being placed as the game goes on.
One of my favorite things so far about Fallout Shelter is the clear plastic threat cards that come into play when your vault gets raided. It's a cool mechanic that reminds me a little bit of Gloom, with new threats and challenges coming into play in unique ways!
The Fallout Shelter board game won't be released until the first quarter of 2020, so we'
ll sadly have to wait to see how the game plays out. If the mechanics of the game are as solid as the components look, we should be in for a treat right after the new year!
You should be able to order Fallout Shelter from your local game store, or anywhere that sells Fantasy Flight Games!