Secretlab revealed a new collaboration today, as they have a few new items for their gaming chair and accessories featuring Gundam
Posted in: Blizzard, Games, Hearthstone, Video Games | Tagged: Blizzard Entertainment, Showdown In The Badlands
Hearthstone's Showdown In The Badlands Mini-Set Launches January 18
Blizzard Entertainment has new details out about the next Hearthstone Mini-Set, as Showdown In The Badlands will be out next week.
Article Summary
- Blizzard releases "Delve Into Deepholm" Mini-Set for Hearthstone on January 18.
- Explore new strategies with 38 fresh cards, including dual-class and Excavate rewards.
- Meet two new neutral Legendary minions, like Therazane the Stonemother.
- Experience the February Twist with common cards and Lunar New Year quests.
Blizzard Entertainment has a new update for Hearthstone out on January 18, as they add a new mini-set to Showdown In The Badlands. The set is called Delve Into Deepholm, and it will add 38 new cards to the mix that are designed to change up the gameplay a little but not completely change the meta. Enough to keep you on your toes as the season continues. We have more info about what's in the set below, as you can get the finer details on their website.
The Bloodrock mining operation has reached deep below the surface—so deep that they've hit Deepholm, an underground labyrinth where powerful elemental creatures dwell. Elise Starseeker and the Outlaws continue their pursuit and find some great new allies, including Deepminer Brann! Dig your way around 38 new cards, including new dual-class cards, two new neutral Legendary minions, and all new Excavate cards.
Get twice the value from your Hearthstone cards! With this Mini-Set comes a handful of new dual-class cards, including both minions and spells. Each class gets four dual-class cards (two shared with each of two other classes) and the additional functionality is sure to come in handy for any type of deck you want to build. The Paladin and Shaman classes get new Excavate rewards—dig deep for powerful buffs and spells!
Two new neutral Legendary minions join the action in Bloodrock, one of which will be Therazane the Stonemother, who fights fiercely to protect her domain and even when fallen in combat, provides a buff to all Elementals in your hand and deck.
Get excited for a new Twist! The February season of Twist mode (starting February 1) adds a challenge by limiting your deck building to common cards only (includes all expansions through Year of the Dragon and Core cards). Discover new ways to stump your opponents without the power of rare, epic, and legendary cards!
The Lunar New Year Event will be returning! Complete daily quests to earn a variety of rewards, including two hero skins and three Signature cards!

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