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Honeycomb: The World Beyond Releases First Story Trailer

Check out the latest trailer for Honeycomb: The World Beyond as we get a better look at the story, along with a free demo out next week.

Article Summary

  • New story trailer for Honeycomb: The World Beyond released.
  • Free game demo available from May 27 to June 3 on Steam.
  • Game features exploration, bioengineering, and survival elements.
  • Players can build, craft, and experiment on an alien planet.

Indie game developer Frozen District and publisher PlayWay released a new trailer for Honeycomb: The World Beyond, delving deeper into the game's story. This is the first really good look at the game we've seen since it was revealed the release would be pushed back to this Fall. Along with the trailer came the news that a free demo will be available for the game from May 27 to June 3 as part of the Open World Survival Crafting Fest on Steam. Enjoy the trailer above!

Honeycomb: The World Beyond Pushed To Q3 2024
Credit: Frozen District

Honeycomb: The World Beyond

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to find yourself on an uninhabited, mysterious planet as a pioneer? Carry the weight of a mission that could save the world on your shoulders? Or perhaps you've always been fascinated by bioengineering and where its development might take mankind in the future? Honeycomb: The World Beyond sets out to offer its players a unique opportunity to experience all of that and more! Prepare for a journey of scientific exploration and survival on a planet that can be incredibly friendly, awe-inspiring, and hostile. Explore the world of Sota7 and uncover its secrets. Prepare yourself to be amazed and moved by its diversity. From calm forests and vibrant jungles to vast fields spreading at the foot of a mysterious volcano, prepare for a trek that will leave a lasting impression. Carve out a home for yourself and use that safe space to further your research. Play your part in saving the Earth's ecosystem thanks to innovative bioengineering mechanics and see the vibrant world of an alien planet with your own eyes.

  • Explore the unknown – each corner of Sota7 offers diverse biomes with different plants and animals for you to discover. Explorer, let curiosity guide your steps! Encounter the kaleidoscope of life forms, learn about them and apply that knowledge in further research,
  • Awaken your inner bioengineer – in Honeycomb you are both observer and creator. Find and experiment with new fauna and flora species to unlock their potential,
  • Witness the synergy of nature and science  – crossbreed various plants and animals using bioengineering mechanics such as grafting and allogamy,
  • Build your perfect base –  to survive and conduct experiments, you need to build your base first. Gather materials and set up your own sanctuary – an oasis in an foreign world.  If you're not a keen builder, utilize the planning mode, which will do the job for you!
  • Arrange the laboratory – the hearth of your base is a lab, where you can experiments with collected samples and transform them into new life forms,
  • Find the hidden riches – remember that Sota7 is a unique yet challenging place. You should always be on the lookout for better resources.
  • Survive at any cost – face the upcoming challenges with courage and try to survive in an unfamiliar world of Sota7.

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Gavin SheehanAbout Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, and Hive, for random pictures and musings.
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