Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: halloween, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Zorua
How To Catch Zorua In Pokémon GO… For Real This Time
After a botched attempt during this past Tuesday's Shuppet Spotlight Hour, Zorua has finally been released in Pokémon GO. Niantic included this release as a secret aspect of the current Halloween 2022 Event Part Two, creating a special way to encounter Zorua. Let's take a look at how you can find and catch Zorua in Pokémon GO.
To catch Zorua in Pokémon GO, you must look for Pokémon that are disguised as your Buddy. This works even for species that do not usually spawn. My buddy is currently a Shiny Drifloon. While adventuring with Shiny Drifloon, I began to see other Shiny Drifloon pop up on the overworld map. I'd click them and Shiny Drifloon would send out a circle of sparkles just like any Shiny, but once caught, the screen flashes: Oh? Drifloon then proceeded to transform into Zorua, much like a Ditto encounter with an extra quirk.
There is no way to control IVs, as they all roll randomly.
Here is a glimpse at what else is happening during the Halloween 2022 Event Part Two in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time.
- New Costumed Pokémon: Vulpix, Ninetales, Pumpkaboo, and Gourgeist all pictured above. Gengar will also have a new costume. They will all be Shiny-capable.
- Returning Costumed Pokémon: Pikachu with the Halloween Mischief hat, Piplup with the Halloween Mischief hat, Drifloon with the Halloween Mischief hat.
- Wild Spawns: Costumed Pikachu, Costumed Vulpix, Zupat, Haunter, Spinarak, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Sableye (who will unfortunately not be in its Halloween costume), Shuppet, Dusclops, Costumed Piplip, Yamask, Golett, Phantump, Pumpkaboo.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Sableye, Purrloin, Yamask, Galarian Yamask, Phantump
- Tier Three Raids: Costumed Gengar, Umbreon, Costumed Drifloon, Drapion
- Tier Five Raids: Origin Forme Giratina
- Mega Raids: Mega Banette
- Field Research: Costumed Pikachu, Costumed Vulpix, Costumed Piplup, Shuppet, Duskull, Yamask, Galarian Yamask, Phantump.
Certain elements of this event will run through both Part One and Part Two in Pokémon GO. These are features that can be enjoyed throughout the whole Halloween Event 2022
- Special Attack: Giratina caught during the Halloween Event will know the Charged Attack Shadow Force.
- Special Research: We're getting another Yamask-themed questline with both the standard and Galarian versions.
- Ticketed Timed Research: Both a $1 and a $5 Timed Research ticket will be available in the shop. The former features more Yamask encounters, the latter features Candy bonuses, Halloween-themed tasks, and an avatar item. There isn't enough information here to make a call.
- Event bonuses:
- Double catch Candy, double Hatch Candy, double Transfer Candy
- Trainers level 31 and up will receive one guaranteed Candy XL when walking with a buddy.
- Trainers will see PokéStops and Gyms decorated for the holiday.
- A remix of the Lavender Town music will be playing nightly during the event. Trainers will see a variety of new avatar items in the shop.