Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Bruce, cyberpunk, film noir, IMGN.PRO, Logic Artists, PAX East 2017
Like Film Noir But Also Video Games? Bruce Might Be The Game For You
Logic Artists and IMGN.PRO have come up with a Film Noir inspired video game, which they've decided to call Bruce. Alright so it's a film noir cyberpunk hybrid that somehow seems to work really, really solidly at a straight noir drama that just so happens to include tech. And unlike most of IMGN's games, this one will also make the jump to console.
You play as the titular Bruce who is a private investigator who just so happens to have an ex named Lily. Lily just so happens to be a whistleblower against a robotics company called Everstream. In a bid to stop her, Everstream has released a virus that causes the whole city's infrastructure to go on the blink. Lily reaches out to you, Bruce, for protection, but still manages to get herself injured. Because of course she does. With Lily on her deathbed, Bruce has to find a way to shut down the robots run by Everstream before she dies.
While the plot is pretty much the kind of sexist schlock you'd expect of a film noir but updated to include robots, it somehow feels a bit fitting that the plot would be so very outdated. Had to make that film noir bit work properly, right? Regardless, the announcement trailer for Bruce shows off a gripping and inventive concept that makes me sit here, roll my eyes, but keep watching. Don't bring me down, Bruce.
Now, if you're asking how the combat will work in this game, I've got your answers. The gameplay here is based on side-scrolling combat with robots and androids, and occasionally a human from the Everstream security team. You've also got stealth and hacking functions. Hacking. My favorite thing to do in a video game, said no one, ever.
But hey, you've got "upgradeable nanotech-enhanced trenchcoat powers." Surely that can make up for something.
Bruce will release sometime in 2017 for both PC and console. The announcement trailer is below. I recommend watching it before the disco infects you. Unless you're somehow immune to the twisty mind-bending powers of ELO.