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Regirock Raid Guide For Pokémon GO Players: June 2021
Tomorrow, Yveltal is out and the Legendary Titans of Hoenn are in. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel will be the Tier Five Raid Bosses in Pokémon GO until they are replaced by a surprise raid boss on Thursday, June 17th at 10 AM local time. The Regis have some shared weaknesses, but it is recommended to make specialized teams of counters for all three of these Pokémon. With this raid guide, learn the top Regirock counters and understand this Titan's Shiny rate and 100% IVs to make for a smooth raiding experience.
Top Regirock Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top 10 Regirock counters as such:
- Shadow Metagross (Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash)
- Mega Blastoise (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon)
- Shadow Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch)
- Metagross (Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash)
- Shadow Swampert (Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon)
- Mega Venusaur (Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant)*
- Shadow Torterra (Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant)
- Shadow Hariyama (Counter, Dynamic Punch)
- Shadow Tangrowth (Vine Whip, Power Whip)
- Shadow Venusaur (Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant)
*Note that only one Mega Pokémon can be evolved at once, so you cannot have two on your team. If possible, choose the higher-ranked option.
It is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, but creating that amount of strong Shadow or Mega Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a tall order for even the most practiced players. Here are ten additional non-Shadow and non-Mega counters that can help take down Regirock with efficiency.
- Lucario (Counter, Aura Sphere)
- Therian Forme Landorus (Mud Shot, Earthquake)
- Kyogre (Waterfall, Surf)
- Breloom (Counter, Grass Knot)
- Groudon (Mud Shot, Earthquake)
- Empoleon (Metal Claw, Hydro Cannon)
- Excadrill (Mud-Slap, Drill Run)
- Swampert (Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon)
- Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch)
- Dialga (Metal Claw, Iron Head)
How Many Trainers Are Needed?
Regirock is a tanky Pokémon. Four trainers will be the minimum number to beat this boss, but if you cannot guarantee the top counters, my advice would be to enter with five or more.
Using the Circle Lock Technique to guarantee Great or Excellent throws, along with Golden Razz Berries, is the best way to catch Legendary Pokémon. Personally, I do try a few Silver Pinaps for the first few throws to see if I can get that extra Candy. Once the number of throws dwindles, though, I recommend switching to Golden Razz Berries to ensure you'll successfully catch Regirock.
Shiny Odds & 100% IVs
The Shiny rate for Legendary Pokémon is approximately one in twenty.
When looking for a Pokémon with the best stats, the 100% IV Regirock will have a CP of 1784 in normal weather conditions and 2230 in boosted conditions.
Happy raiding, fellow trainers!