Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Square Enix
Sephiroth Officially Joins Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
The one-winged angel himself, Sephiroth, has officially joined the roster of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius this week, as Square Enix put out a massive update for the gamed that adds a few new characters and features to the game. Three more characters will also be joining the fray as well in the form of Mim, Shylt, and Lila. Below are some of the finer details about the update and what SE has added to keep the game popping and rolling.
New "Step-up" Banner – Sephiroth joins Final Fantasy Brave Exvius characters Lila, Shylt, and Mim, in the new Step-up Banner. Each summon, or "step," performed on this character banner will reward players with special rewards such as Trust Moogles and Summon Tickets, or guaranteed 5-star base units. Completing all steps on the banner will guarantee players one of the featured 5-star base characters for this event, including Sephiroth.
Nibelheim King Mog Event – This new event challenges players to take on Yin & Yang and other familiar monsters from Final Fantasy VII as they collect in-game currency to exchange for weapons, abilities, and other rewards.
Expert Exploration Quest – Starting this May 18, a Final Fantasy VII-themed quest sends players to Mt. Nibel to defeat the challenging Materia Keeper boss.
Special Login Bonus – Additional daily rewards on top of normal daily login bonuses await players starting today.
Special Bundle Pack – New bundles will be added to commemorate the addition of Sephiroth, which will include Trust Moogles, 4-Star+ Guaranteed Summon Tickets, abilities, and other items.
Other In-game Campaigns – Various campaigns for beginners and veterans alike will run alongside the new collaboration event, including a half-off stamina campaign and increased rates to receive bonus EXP when enhancing units.