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Shadow Arena Gets A New Team-Based Trio Mode
Pearl Abyss added a new update into Shadow Arena this week as there's a new team-based 3-v-3 mode for you to fight and earn glory in. The new mode is simply called Trio Mode and it pits three-person teams against each other in the arena. You have the ability to revive, attack, and strategize as a team to be the victory, which occurs when the other team is wiped out or if a team's Hero is able to conquer the Relic of Ascension. With that comes some changes to both of those systems, which we have snippets of the information for you here.
Shadow Arena Revive Changes
Removed the Altar of Resurrection that was in the previous Team mode.
Removed the time period during which you can revive in the beginning of a match. Instead, you can revive through the following methods:
1) Get revived by a teammate: Teammate revivable time: Game time (in seconds) /30 +10. You can interact with a party members' grave during the revivable time to bring them back.
2) Revive on your own automatically: Automatic revivable time: Party revivable time x 2. You will automatically revive when the automatic revivable time passes.
- Upon revival, you can move quickly as a Black Spirit for 10 seconds.
- Upon revival, you will get a AP+200, DP +300 buff for 30 seconds.
- Upon revival, you will get 2 HP Potions.
- Upon revival, your cooldowns for Dark Shift and Blink will reset.
- The revivable time will be shown in the World Map, on top of the grave, and on the screen of the dead Hero.
- The grave of an ally will be shown in green and looks different from an enemy's grave (which is a gray tombstone icon).
- Graves of party members will disappear when that party is eliminated.
Relic of Ascension
15 minutes after a match begins, the Relic of Ascension will spawn in the middle of the Dark Fog.
- A notification will appear to all Heroes when the Relic of Ascension is spawned.
- The Relic of Ascension charges when you enter within the red line shown around the edges of the Relic of Ascension and fills a gauge.
- The gauge speed depends on the Ascension Points that you've gathered throughout the game. The gauge speed increases as more teammates enter within the line.
- If other teams enter within the red line when you're filling the gauge, the gauge will stop filling.
- The gauge will reset when all party members filling the gauge move outside the line or die.
- When a certain team completely fills the gauge, all the members of that team will Ascend and win the match.
- When Ascension is complete, the entire arena is consumed by the Dark Fog. The damage in the Dark Fog increases considerably. The remaining teams will battle it out to determine the remaining placements.