Absolum is an all-new action RPG beat ‘em up game where you play as a band of rebels trying to stop a powerful force from conquering all
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Atlas Rises, Hello Games, No Man's Sky
What A Shock: 'No Man's Sky' Needs Yet Another Fix
We previously talked about the new "Atlas Rises" addition and update that was added to No Man's Sky earlier this month, along with a patch that was required to fix the update from all of the issues Hello Games added without properly testing them out first. Now, another patch is being sent out to fix the problems that didn't get fixed with the last patch that was supposed to fix all the problems of the update. Below is a list of all the items the next 1.33 update is supposed to take care of in No Man's Sky, but yet again, it doesn't address the lack of an ending.
- Fixed Albumen Pearl plants using the wrong name on their interaction labels
- Fixed issue where traveling through the center of the galaxy could sometimes take you back to the same galaxy
- Fixed issue where mission waypoints on the galactic map would not be for your current mission
- Improved UI error messages relating to missions on the galactic map
- Improved ship speed output on ship HUD
- Increased guidance for finding Convergence Cubes as part of the scientist mission
- Fixed galactic map showing joypad prompts for changing filters when playing on mouse and keyboard
- Fixed issue where players could lose the teleport destination they needed to complete the Mind Arc mission
- Fixed players getting stuck in an interaction with the armorer if they hadn't yet built a terminal
- Fix for visual artifacts from transparent objects showing through the warp effect
- Reduced cases where terrain editing changes are lost when reloading a save
- Reduced difficulty of the final armorer mission
- Improved low flight mode handling
- Fixed crash in string translation when loading certain saves
- Added missing scan event icon to the Antimatter tutorial

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