Posted in: Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: pokemon, pokemon go, Pokemon TCG
TCG Spotlight: Some Of The Best Dwebble Pokémon Cards
In honor of today's Dwebble Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Dwebble cards from the Pokémon TCG. This includes both classic and modern. We'd love to hear from you, so chime in with your top Dwebble picks in the comments below.
Dwebble debuts in the Black & White era set Noble Victories with this adorable card illustrated by MAHOU. Sometimes, I think how it's a shame that common Pokémon cards generally don't get the holographic treatment. There are exceptions to this rule, as some promotions and boxes will include versions of common cards reprinted with galaxy foil, but if we are talking booster packs, the holos will be the rares. How good would this look with some classic galaxy foil, though?
We move on to, if possible, an even cuter card. sui illustrates this painterly, beamingly happy Dwebble from Legendary Treasures. Legendary Treasures came in at the tail end of the Black & White era and was seen as Pokémon's 20th Anniversary set. This is one of the greatest sets of all time in my opinion, and I often feature cards from Legendary Treasures' Radiant Collection subset in this series. This Dwebble is from the main numbered set, though, which is not to be underestimated.
Finally, we have kawayoo's Dwebble from Unified Minds, the second-to-last main expansion of the Sun & Moon era. This Pokémon card is part of a three-part story, connecting to two other cards. Here, Dwebble looks up in awe as the Legendary Moltres soars through the sky. In the same set, there is a Hoothoot card where it looks up at Zapdos flying through the sky, its eyes heavy with… maybe love?! Finally, the special set Hidden Fates completed the series with an Ekans card where it looks up with perhaps a bit of fear as Articuno passes overhead.