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The Rivals Week Event Begins Tomorrow In Pokémon GO
The Rivals' Week event begins tomorrow in Pokémon GO, bringing some species from the Kalos region to the game for the first time. Let's get into the details.
Here are the details about Rivals' Week right from the Pokémon GO blog:
Date + Time Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, April 18, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time
Features Skrelp and Clauncher will be making their Pokémon GO debuts! They'll be appearing in the wild, in raids, and in encounters after you complete Field Research tasks.
Here we go! We are way past the days where Niantic would release a full generation of Pokémon in one fell swoop, but at least we're seeing a bit more of the Kalos region here.
Plus, I'm happy to see that we have more new releases that won't be confined to raids. We have confirmation here that we'll get Skrelp and Clauncher in all forms of encounters, from raids to the wild to research. The only type of encounter that we won't see them in is Eggs. Keep reading for the list of species that will be in 5 KM event Eggs.
Therian Forme Landorus is also making its Pokémon GO debut! Encounter the Abundance Pokémon in five-star raids.
Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool today for a Raid Guide to help build a team of counters to take down and catch Therian Forme Landorus.
Enjoy the Rivals' Week challenge in the Global Challenge Arena! All Trainers around the world can work together to win Raid Battles and unlock a 2× Catch Stardust bonus for the duration of the event!
W generally see this kind of Global Challenge in bigger events such as GO Fest, so it's exciting to see Pokémon GO bring this kind of challenge to a more standard event. While double Catch Stardust isn't exactly a huge bonus, I think it'll be rather fun to earn it. All I can say, though, is that I hope the raid rotation will be worth it, as raids have been a bit stale in Pokémon GO dating as far back as December 2020.
Pokémon known for their rivalries will be appearing more often in the wild, such as Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Makuhita, Meditite, Zangoose, Seviper, and more! The following Pokémon will be hatching from 5 km Eggs throughout the event: Machop, Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby, Makuhita, Meditite, Zangoose, and Seviper. Rivalries will continue in raids as well! Pokémon like Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Zangoose, Seviper, and more will be appearing in raids! Enjoy event-exclusive Field Research tasks that will lead to encounters with rival Pokémon, such as Skrelp and Clauncher, as well.
Oh boy, so far the raids aren't seeming that appealing. Tomorrow, we will debut an article breaking down the full list of species available in each raid once we can observe the event go live in other time zones.
Sources tell us that Team GO Rocket will be taking over PokéStops more often. Their balloons will also be appearing more frequently!
This must be why Niantic has currently disabled Team GO Rocket balloons. There was an issue with them not spawning without restarting over and over, so Pokémon GO must have wanted to fix that problem ahead of this event. "More frequently" generally means every three hours rather than every six hours, but if there is any boost to that activity, we will follow up on this piece with more dedicated Team GO Rocket coverage.