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This Is How Shiny Kalos Species Will Look In Pokémon GO
Surprisingly, Niantic kicked off the Kalos Celebration Event, which introduced Generation Six species to Pokémon GO for the first time, without a Shiny release. Even though none of these Kalos Pokémon are currently available in their Shiny forms, they have all been added to the code. Here is how each of the currently released species will look when they are released as Shinies in Pokémon GO.
It is very likely that we won't see Shiny Chespin for at least a year, if not more. A generation's starter Pokémon have historically always gotten their own Community Days and Niantic has yet to schedule Community Days for the Generation Five starters…. so Kalos Community Days are way off. Still, though, it's a terrific Shiny. As with some of the best Grass-type Shinies, it takes on a more autumn-themed colorway with its green, leafy crown becoming a deep, roasty brown.
This may be a low-key Shiny, but it's not bad at all. A light periwinkle color, Shiny Froakie is cut while its ultimate evolution of Shiny Greninja is stunning.
Probably the best Shiny of the first wave, Fennekin takes on the color of flames and as
This perfectly-chosen color palette shows the blue-grey of Espurr turn to a beautiful, slightly murky pink. Personally, I'd bet on this to be released sooner rather than later to make Espurr raids as appealing as Shinx, Klink, and Timburr raids.
No huge surprise here, but the normally silver Klefki becomes golden. Even when this does come out, though, keep in mind that Klefki is regional to France in Pokémon GO.
While not as stunning as it is on Fennekin, Bunneby's Shiny improves upon its standard form with a dark grey and red color way.
Fletchling's Shiny form isn't bad by any means, but because the primary color of its large red head doesn't change, this one appears to not be that much of a difference. Its normally silver body, tiny as it is, becomes gold. Because Fletchling is front-facing when you catch it, and its head is part of its body, it may not be the easiest Shiny to notice. This is a species that will likely be more appreciated for GO Snapshots using AR+ so that trainers can take pictures of the full Pokémon.
The rarest of this first Kalos wave, this dual Flying/Dragon-type Pokémon also have one of the best Shinies. Normally a purple bat-like creature, the Shiny takes on a beautiful bluish-green that feels like a truly unique color palette.