Posted in: Anime, Horror, Movies, News, Streaming, Universal | Tagged: alien, animated films, Creature From The Black Lagoon, jaws, jaws 4, john wick, mortal kombat, neil blomcamp, neil blomcamp alien, terminator, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, The Matrix, Universal Monsters, wolf man
5 Film Properties That Can Go The Animation Route
Animated films should be made more often. I don't mean Pixar/Disney stuff, of things like Trolls World Tour or Minions. I mean PG-13/R rated animation of properties that are traditionally in the live-action space. DC Comics has found great success with its line of straight to home animated films, something they have actually beaten Marvel on. With its lack of limits on what can be presented, specific properties should look to animation to not only reach an audience they might not otherwise but can unlock areas of storytelling they can't crack in front of a camera. Mortal Kombat is doing it this month, and here are five other properties I think would make excellent animated films. We are also disregarding previous animated series, and such that may have come out.
Alien Animated Film
Alien almost makes too much sense. After the mild box office reception for Covenant, the franchise needs a refocus going forward. Since a third film in the planned Prometheus trilogy looks pretty far away at this point, let's throw an animated film together and give us that Neil Blomkamp story he was kicking around. There are also tons of Dark Horse storylines to adapt as well. The ground is fertile.
John Wick Anime
In the same vein as The Matrix, a bunch of shorts looking at the assassin's guild would be excellent. Yes, I know there is a live-action series coming, but so what. Get a bunch of different animation houses together and make a sweet anthology of stories in a bunch of different styles. Who says no to that?
I think Bruce could wreak all kinds of pencil-drawn mayhem in a traditional style animated film. No CGI, just old school hand-drawn animation. You could even have Bruce "fight" some other undersea beast of some kind. I just think it would be cool to hear that music set to a kick-ass animated shark attack. I guarantee you that it is better than Jaws 4, at least.
Terminator Animated Film Series
Look, I love the first two films like everyone else. These sequels are not cutting it. This franchise is on life support but could see new life in a series of animated films telling a new story ala The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Think about the DC animated films here. Come out with 1-2 a year, make them events on Blu-ray and digital, and keep the costs down. At this point, it may the only way to keep this one going by reaching the hardcore fanbase in a way that takes the release directly to them.
Universal Monsters
Finally, one near and dear to my heart. I have wanted animated Universal Monsters anything for as long as I can remember and not modern retellings, no-no. I'm pretty much looking for remakes of the classic movies. Stick to the source material strictly. When they don't, disaster happens for the most part. I would be first in line for a Wolf Man or Creature animated film.