Posted in: Movies | Tagged: alpha flight, fox, james mcavoy, journalistic untegrity, justin trudeau, x-men, x-men: dark phoenix
Is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Teasing An X-Men: Dark Phoenix Role?
A sighting on the set of the upcoming movie X-Men: Dark Phoenix has sparked speculation that a new cast member could be joining the production. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was spotted on star James McAvoy's Instagram feed, having dinner with the cast and crew in Canada.
It's unknown what role Trudeau could be up for, and how much time filming will take away from his duties running a country, but at least it's Canada and not anywhere important. Some might suggest that Trudeau was simply meeting with the cast and crew as a representative of the government thanking Fox for shooting movies in the country, unaware that Americans will take any opportunity to flee American Trumpocracy. However, those of us who are veterans of the entertainment media know that if any notable person is associated with a popular superhero franchise via social media post, it is basically guaranteed that they will have a role in the film and should be reported as such.
Does this mean that Trudeau will help introduce Canadian super team Alpha Flight into Fox's X-Men cinematic universe? The only reasonable assumption is "yes," which means Trudeau could possibly be playing Guardian or even Northstar.
Who would you like Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau to play in X-Men: Dark Phoenix? Let us know in the comments.