Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: bbc, doctor who, marco polo, missing episodes, tv
Doctor Who And The Missing Episodes – What Really Happened?
So this came to me from a… connected source, let's say. I do not know the veracity of this information, and attempts to get clarification regarding its details have proved relatively fruitless. Though I am not the only one who has been sent the e-mail.
Last year Bleeding Cool ran the story that there was a whole host of Doctor Who missing episodes from the sixties that had been recovered. A few months later, a couple of them were announced and made available. Since then, there has been a lot of "shut up and wait" from those involved.
So it's time for Bleeding Cool to do what we do best. Just print the damn thing, then run for cover while everything explodes.
Like I said, I do not know whether the following is true or not. But maybe someone reading this does. It has not been edited for sense, grammar or meaning. But, hey, when do we ever do that?
from a secret source
Phil approached the BBC with news of a massive find, but wanted funding.
They gave him in on condition. He gave them Web, Enemy and Marco. Promised hundreds more. That gets leaked to DWO who go WHAAAAA and are then told to shush.
The BBC gave Phil funding
Meanwhile the source of the eps realised they were worth money and changed the goal posts. Getting them became tricky.
The Beeb pushed Phil. He said he had them all but didn't so stalled. And stalled. And stalled.
He then started mouthing off about stuff, surmising and assuming. He told WW, the BFI, actors, the RT. He HAD this stuff, of course he does! People start to talk. We get wind of it from various avenues.
But he doesn't have it. Not really. In the meantime the Beeb are pointing every lead at him, because in their eyes he's the ME Guy. He's forced to precure sh*t copies of Power, Massacre and DMP but it's grainy and some of its soundless. Useless. HE reckons his source has better copies. So he stalls. Starts a small RT of his own to clean up what he had. It'll be better than nothing.
Web and Enemy come out. Actors go mental. It's not cleared properly. It stalls Marco.
An estate of an actor in that doesn't play ball. They've seen the popularity of the others and wants a bigger cut. Legality entails.
The BBC go for Phil. Does he have the stuff? Cos if not they need their money back. Or they could absorb TIEA into BBCWW?
Phil panics. Aarrgh. He's promised this stuff. He's told the BFI. He's tried to arrange Press Conferences. He's even showed Mark Gatiss bits of Power to prove it. But he doesn't have the majority of it. So he goes online in a charm offensive. The winds in the right direction. Stay tuned. Don't panic Captain Manwaring… etc etc
Meanwhile, he still tries to procure the remains.
So, in affect, everyone is RIGHT. And wrong.
This is actually what happened. We've all been listening to various amounts of Phil's spin.
Do you see? It all makes sense. No one has anything of worth. Power is in limbo. UM was halted for the same thing – Phil thinks he will get a better copy. Same with Massacre and DMP. Marco's in legal limbo. And no one can say whats what because until the RT get a hold of this stuff no one knows for sure if they have the Holy Grail or tins full of Balsamic.
The BBC and BFI have lost patience. Phil has started paying funding back. His only way out is to get these things back from Africa. He WILL, he's confident… but when? Could be tomorrow, could be 2019, could be in 100 years. He's not lying, no one is. He's just not being 100% truthful