Posted in: Movies | Tagged: entertainment, film, kickstarter, Now Playing, podcasts, star wars
Expounding The Virtues Of The Now Playing Movie Podcast – Plus, An Announcement!
By Jeremy Konrad
As I have written about before, one of the more entertaining podcasts on the web is the movie review show Now Playing. Hosted on a regular basis by the delightful trio of Stuart, Jakob, and Arnie (with Marjorie joining them from time to time), the show gives through reviews of all manner of films, but their hook is irresistible: they review whole series of films, good and bad. Currently, they are focusing on the Fast and Furious film series, but previously they have done most horror franchises, every Marvel movie (including the old Corman films) and more. Their superhero reviews recently composed of 30 of the top 200 podcasts on iTunes. Be sure to give a listen to their live review of Kingsmen, it was quite a treat.
And in an exclusive for you Bleeding Coolers, an announcement: they are FINALLY going to do a review series we have all been waiting and clamoring for:
Star Wars.
They say:
Leading up to a review of The Force Awakens, Stuart, Jakob, and I will be reviewing all the Star Wars movies. This not only means Episodes I through VII, but the Clone Wars Animated movie, the two Ewoks TV movies, and even the Holiday Special!
Of course, as a podcaster for 10 years (our 10th anniversary is this August) on Star Wars Action News I will bring the viewpoint of a die-hard fan and collector. I have three Star Wars tattoos, and Marjorie and I are running the Star Wars Collector's Lounge, part of the Collecting Track at Celebration Anaheim. And, of course, we've run the Star Wars Fan Breakfast at San Diego Comic-Con since 2011 — an in demand sold-out event every year giving away thousands of dollars in prizes and raising money for Rancho Obi-Wan.
Due to my first show being Star Wars Action News, the Now Playing audience has clamored for a Star Wars retrospective since we started dong retrospective reviews in 2009. We long held we wouldn't do Star Wars…unless they made a new film. They are, so that will be the reviews on our main feed starting this October (unless JJ moves the release date up, in which case we scramble to do it sooner).
Not exciting enough for you? They have something even more special planned: a book. Recently, they launched a Kickstarter to raise the funds to write and publish a book of underrated movies of their choosing. The format of the book will be familiar to fans of the show, as it will follow the same format. They reached their stretch goal in just under 7 days, which is very exciting, but if they keep getting donations they can get a professionally printed hardcover and trade paperback, and an audiobook version (ha!).
The hosts of Now Playing are ready to present 100 films you might have missed but we think you'll love in our first book: Underrated Movies We Recommend.But just like our shows, we can only do this with your support. Since 2007 the loyal listeners of Now Playing Podcast have been there as hosts Stuart Atkinson, Jakob Conkling, Arnie Carvalho, and Marjorie Carvalho have reviewed nearly 500 films. We're forever thankful to you for keeping our show on the air, because we know you love the same thing we do: talking about movies (good and bad).
It could be a film that bombed and quickly disappeared from theaters, or one that fell out of the spotlight after a critical beating, or maybe it simply got lost in the box office shuffle. These are the films that we would never get a chance to review on Now Playing Podcast, but with your help we can make them part of this collection. These movies will span all genres of film. Sci-Fi, Horror, Comedy, Suspense, Comic Book Movies and more! Even a musical (as chosen by Stuart)! If you love movies you're sure to find something in Underrated Movies We Recommend you haven't seen but you'll love.
Our goal is to bring something tangible to our listeners; these recommendations don't come from an algorithm, they come from film fans just like you, and Now Playing Podcast listeners know there is a lot of research and discussion that comes before we give a film a "green arrow."
Be sure to check out their Kickstarter and donate if you can, Arnie and his cohosts are delightful people and they deserve to have this dream of theirs come true.
Jeremy Konrad is the Senior Star Wars correspondent for Bleeding Cool. He watches wrestling too. When not writing or talking about Star Wars he is buying action figures. Talk to him on Twitter @jeremyohio