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Is Fitz On The Fritz? Drastic Changes Continue On Agents Of SHIELD
This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Agents of SHIELD episode – Identity and Change
The story continues inside the Framework and things are not getting better for Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson. Daisy is with Phil Coulson who remembers bits of the old world but not all of it. He comes across more as a conspiracy theorist. But Grant Ward calls, HYDRA is sending a unit to bring Coulson in. Grant sends him and Jemma to his SHIELD contact while Daisy heads into the Triskelion to find out the location of Holden Radcliffe. Before she can get back out with it, she is ordered by Agent May to help with an op. Daisy gives Grant the information and goes with May. The mission is to bring in Alphonso Mackenzie and his daughter Hope.
Meanwhile Jemma and Coulson meet this worlds version of Jeffrey Mace / The Patriot, who appears to have real powers here. SHIELD is a rag tag group of rebels at this point with very few agents. But with the information on Radcliffe, a team is sent to get him consisting of Jemma, Coulson and Grant. They find him and he knows that he is dead in the real world. He gives Jemma the location of her friends bodies, but he tells her that Aida has closed off all the exits. At that point, Aida going full Madam Hydra arrives with Fitz because she knows that Jemma is from the real world and is trying to stop her. They find Agnes, the original human that inspired Aida, and Fitz questions who she is and what is going on. But Radcliffe can't get through to him and Fitz ends up killing Agnes. Fitz appears to be very different inside the Framework.
Coulson, Jemma and Grant escape.
Back at HYDRA, Daisy sneaks in to see Mac who calls her by name and says he knows they shouldn't be there. Daisy talks to him, telling him Jemma is there and they're trying to get them free and mentions Yo-Yo, but Mack doesn't react to her name. Telling Daisy that he doesn't really know what was going on. Turns out that the whole thing of bringing him in was to get Daisy to slip up. Probably the same reason they were going to bring in Coulson… a trap. And Daisy fell for it. She tries to get out of the building but is captured. She is lined up to be tortured by Fitz who just finished up torturing Radcliffe.
Back with SHIELD, the three return and Mace is not happy with anything that went on. But the scene is interrupted when a civilian is brought in. Mac… he tells them about Daisy and how he was used to trick her and how she was now a prisoner. When asked why he was there, Mac said for the first time in his life, he couldn't look at his daughter. He was there to help.
So, other than Daisy, the resistance has come together. The story is moving along quickly and with enough twists and turns to keep it fun. The season is ending on a high note so far and Aida / Madam Hydra is turning out to be a very cool villain. Hopefully they can keep up this pace and good writing for the last five episodes.
Things are getting even more interesting with Daisy / Skye in the hands of Fitz and we see that HYDRA has come up with a serum like the one Mace uses in the real world to pit Agent May against the Patriot. But with all that's going on, if Jemma can find a way out she can rescue her friends and end the Framework… but that's one big if at this point.