Posted in: Batman, Flash, Movies, Warner Bros | Tagged: Batman, batman returns, dc, film, michael keaton, The Flash, Warner Bros
Flash Featurette Reveals Batman's Reason For Retirement
A new featurette for The Flash sheds light on the significant reason that Michael Keaton's Batman opted to retire between films.
The Flash managed to cover a lot of ground with DC characters and films (both past and present-ish), which, despite its lackluster box office turnout, still played with a few interesting ideas for a few characters. Primarily the return of Michael Keaton's Batman, last seen in Batman Returns. When we first reconnect with this iteration of the DC hero, he's openly retired from crimefighting and requires a lot of convincing from the film's titular hero before rejoining the fray.
So why exactly did Keaton's Batman step down from his epic role in Gotham City? The answer is about as dark as you'd expect when it comes to DC's favorite mopey detective.
The Real Reason Michael Keaton's Batman is Retired in The Flash
When speaking about Batman and his retirement for the Let's Get Nuts: Batman Returns… Again featurette, the film's director Andy Muschietti explains, "I always said something should happen to Bruce Wayne to want to stop being Batman, and my idea was, he did something that goes against his code and killed a criminal in front of [the criminal's] child—not knowingly, but he still did it." The Flash director then goes on to explain the significance of the moment to Keaton's character, adding, "Which is an exact mirroring situation of what happened to him when his parents were killed in front of him [next to] Monarch Theaters, and that created the monster that Batman is."
After the film really failed to connect with viewers around the world, there's essentially a minuscule chance that we'll ever see a sequel, leaving Keaton's Batman potentially scrapped from the future Warner Bros. comic book film slate. Sigh.
Regardless of The Flash's franchise fate with DC, would you like to see Keaton get the chance to revisit Batman for another kick-ass cinematic experience? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.