Devil May Cry 5 certainly leaves an impression. What felt like a franchise unable to come back from the brink, now feels like one with a future.
Posted in: Games, Movies, Video Games | Tagged: academy awards, entertainment, games, nintendo, video games
Nintendo Offer Their Own Oscar Awards To The Biggest Movies
In case you some how missed it, it's the Academy Awards tonight. I actually fell quite behind on a few of the nominees, but I'm rooting for Selma and Whiplash, despite both not really having a chance.
Nintendo have decided to bypass the whole affair by staging their own awards instead. The cute little stunt hands out a few awards to last year's best. I'd love to know the voting process on this.
The awards and winners are as follows:
I guess Nintendo didn't watch The Raid 2. That baseball fight scene should have won The Smash Award hands down. I'm demand a recount.

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