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'Professor Marston And The Wonder Women' Is "Fundamentally A Love Story"
Wonder Woman is an interesting character to begin with but the history behind her creation is just as interesting. In a new movie called Professor Marston And The Wonder Women director and writer Angela Robinson explores the relationship between psychologist William Moulton Marston (Luke Evans), his psychologist wife Elizabeth (Rebecca Hall), and their mutual romantic partner Olive Byrne (Bella Heathcote). Robibson recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the movie and the relationship between these three people.
"It's fundamentally a love story between the three of them," Robinson tells EW. "It's an exploration of their ideas [about feminism, bondage, and pacifism] and his relationship with Elizabeth and Olive, and their relationship with him, and then how all of that found its way into Wonder Woman."
The thing that really took Robinson by surprise was when she learned that Elizabeth and Olive stayed together long after William passed away.
"That one sentence totally blew my mind, because I was like, 'I'm looking at it all wrong. This is a story about the three of them. They were all in love together,'" she says. "That really opened up the story to me and it became really important for me to also tell it from the perspective of Elizabeth and Olive and Marston — all three of them — and to kind of tell it as a love story and to try and really ground it and be respectful and investigate what Martson was trying to do and how their lives inspired Wonder Woman."
Needless to say this sort of relationship is considered unconventional by today's standards let alone by those of the 1940's. Robinson wants to show that these sorts of relationships have always happened even if no one was talking about it:
"People have had all sorts of relationships since the beginning of time and they were really progressive, exciting, incredible people, who I think shared a deep love for each other. To me, they're heroes in and of themselves," she says. "I really think it's time for their story to be told and for them to kind of get the respect and admiration that I think they deserve. It's their core ideas and core values that really infused this superhero who we all, right now, love."
Marston believed in the power of women and the power of love so it's not surprising that the character he created stood for both of those things.
The true story of William Moulton Marston, the polyamorous relationship between his wife and mistress, the creation of his beloved comic book character "Wonder Woman", and the controversy the comic generated in its earlier years.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, directed by Angela Robinson, stars Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, Connie Britton, Bella Heathcote, and JJ Feild. It will be released on October 27th.