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Six Important Moments From Marvel's Agent Carter – Better Angels
This article contains spoilers for the recent episode of Marvel's Agent Carter.
Last night's Marvel's Agent Carter showed that looking up names of old comic characters pays off, Peggy Carter works better with a team, and we got one of the coolest cameos in a Marvel live-action project yet. Let's take a look at the important moments from the third episode, Better Angels.
1 – We can look at the rest of the episode in a moment, but the scene-stealer has to be Kid Colt, Outlaw. The historical movie that Stark Pictures is making. Other than strengthen he Howard Hughes persona they've already given Howard Stark and giving him a reason to be in L. A…. what the movie was didn't matter. Yet they made it awesome. Before DC can get Jonah Hex into Legends of Tomorrow, Marvel gets Kid Colt on to television. It may just be a cameo, but this is major fan service and it was great seeing all the comic covers around Stark's office.
2 – Jack Thompson comes to L.A. at the behest of Vernon Masters to help close the Isodyne case and make the frame up of Jason Wilkes stick. He can close the case but he doesn't have the ability to shut down Carter and Daniel Sousa. If anything, his involvement feeds their believe of a conspiracy. But I wouldn't write Thompson off just yet. I get the feeling that he'll come back around and have his agents' back when all is said and done. And his getting pulled into the organization make become a benefit or he could end up being the first HYDRA agent in SHIELD.
3 – Whitney Frost has an interesting arc in this episode. Not only do we find out more about her, that she is a scientist and the mind behind Isodyne but we see that the Zero Matter has effected her in a very negative way, leaving a cut on her face that she may want to wear a mask to cover in the near future. It doesn't harm her, but it kills her director with one touch and then the scar on her head gets bigger. She is a master manipulator but is also scared about what is happening to her. She's going to be a fun villain to watch develop over the remaining episodes.
4 – After last weeks premiere I pointed out that there was a Dr. Jason Wilkes in Marvel Comics history, a scientist who created an invisiblity ray that not only turned him invisible but also intangible. He was unable to turn the ray back on to undue it and he couldn't communicate with anyone to have them do it. Well, seems the show writers were borrowing more than just his name as Wilkes returns this episode with the help of Stark and his new way of processing film. Wilkes can't be touched, but he can now be seen and heard which allows him to help work on saving himself. The comic book Wilkes appeared in Tales of Suspense #25.
5 – Near the end of the episode, Peggy is attacked while working out at Stark's house. The attack did a few things. First it showed her that they were on the right track and that she had spooked Frost enough to try and kill her. It also gave Edwin Jarvis a chance to jump into action, which he did well. But finally and maybe most importantly this lead to Stark installing an alarm system that uses Jarvis' voice, the genesis of what would become Tony Stark's A.I. computer and eventually The Vision.
6 – There is a moment in the episode when Stark dashes out of the room and off to a foreign country to find a scientist that might help Wilkes. He is dedicated to saving this poor young man that he barely knows. Stark is portrayed as a womanizing playboy with a short attention span… which he is. But he's also someone who looks at people for what they can do. He is impressed by Wilkes in an era that an African-American wouldn't get a chance to even prove themselves. Where last week we saw the similarities between the struggles both Wilkes and Carter had to deal with in that part of history. But this week we see that not everyone was that way. Stark looks beyond gender and color to see the person and what they can do.
Since Peggy was told to go back to New York, you know she is bound to get in trouble and the preview for next week shows that may happen sooner rather than later. And just how long before Frost takes over the council and puts on her gold mask?