Posted in: 20th Century Studios, Movies, Trailer | Tagged: Bob's Burger, the bob's burgers movie, wondercon, WonderCon 2022
The Bob's Burgers Movie First Six Minutes Revealed at WonderCon 2022
Bob's Burgers creators and cast come together for this first look at The Bob's Burgers Movie, the Belcher family's jump to the big screen to a packed panel at WonderCon 2022. After being introduced himself, creator Loren Bouchard took the dais and mentions how happy he is to be back at a live con and introduces a new The Bob's Burger Movie trailer.
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
As the lights in Hall 200A come back up Bouchard introduces the cast and creators to the stage. Nora Smith (writer/ producer) H. Jon Benjamin (Bob Belcher), John Roberts (Linda Belcher), Dan Mintz (Tina Belcher), Kristen Schaal (Louise Belcher), Eugene Mirman (Gene Belcher), Larry Murphy (Teddy), and Bernard Derriman (Director) all take their seats on stage to a thunderous round of applause. Bouchard almost immediately opens the floor up to questions, most of which are provided by fans in Bob's Burgers cosplay.
An attendee points out the cracks in front of Bob's Burgers this season in the show and asks if there are any more clues that the movie will contextualize and if there are any more clues that fans should be on the lookout for.
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
- The Bob's Burgers Movie Panel. Credit: Jimmy Leszczynski
After explaining that since they were making the movie and the show at the same time, there are a few more seeds that have been planted in upcoming episodes that will grow into the movie's plot Bouchard is "excited and scared" as he introduces the first six minutes of the film. No one has seen them yet, and no one will until the movie comes out on Memorial Day later this year. No photography was allowed, here is a breakdown of those six minutes from my hastily written notes from a darkened Hall 200A.
If you do not wish to have a pretty good idea of what the first six minutes of The Bob's Burgers movie entails I implore you- do not read any further.
Last SPOILER warning….
After the 20th Century Fox opening fanfare is played by a ukulele and a toy piano we open on the Wonder Wharf amusement park six years ago. A fight told by shadows ends in a gunshot to the horrified looks of the stuffed prizes hanging on the wall. We then cut to a cold open similar to the show. The children are sitting at the counter as Gene shows off his musical instrument made from "Spoons, an empty napkin holder, dreams, and magic." Bob adds an egg to the burger he is planning to take to Mr. Downing at the bank. Linda explains that they have a meeting and need to ask for an extension on the loan payment. Bob explains that they really need an extension and that all the restaurant equipment is tied to the loan. Tina asks "So, you're giving him a burger?" Bob deadpans "Well, we can't give him money." since they don't have any. Gene offers to "enchant him" with his musical creation. Bob starts whispering, worried that the burger will hear his problems and feel bad. Bob is talking to and petting a burger that asks him not to rub off their sesame seeds from the bun as Tina claims that they are a cute couple. Bob decides to make another one and try to not to think too much about how much is riding on the burger.
Tina reveals that this is the last week of school and that "Big things are coming for summer Tina." Louise is going to make some moves that are pretty big too, and Gene "is going to be topless 24/7 " and playing his new instrument. As the children walk out the door Linda warns "Watch out for the messed up sidewalk." (Which if you have seen the trailer, is major foreshadowing). Thus begins a musical number. Bob is singing while slicing tomatoes for his new burger as Linda dances into the kitchen and joins in the song. Bob and Linda are singing about diarrhea, staying positive and the bank will extend the loan in exchange for this delicious burger.
Gene, Louise, and Tina are walking down the street singing, bobbing their heads in what could be described as a 'West Side Story' style as Tina sings about kissing a boy and asking him to be her summer boyfriend, making this the best summer of her life. Gene sits at his classroom desk wishing to sing every day and play "this napkin-y thing that I made" and that it will revolutionize pop music. The rhythm slows as Louise is walking down her school hallway in slow motion singing that there is something one her mind (as she plays with her ears) and when she feels small, "they actually make her tall" and she hopes they don't hear her talking about them, "but I don't know what I am without them." All three kids sing together that this will be the sunnyside-up summer of their lives. As Bob and Linda arrive at the bank, Tina, Louise, and Gene join together songs in polyphony, with Linda's last line an extended "Yes", Smash cut to Mr. Downing deadpanning "No." Cut to black.
The Bob's Burgers Movie drops on Memorial Day. this summer. Here's the trailer that was shown at the WonderCon 2022 panel and released publicly today: