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The Crow Star Discusses the Legacy of the First Film

The Crow star Danny Huston shares his thoughts on the original film and how the new entry doesn't intend to retread what came before.

Article Summary

  • Danny Huston discusses the unique approach of the new The Crow film.
  • The upcoming remake aims to honor the original while carving its own path.
  • Bill Skarsgård stars in a modern reimagining of the classic revenge tale.
  • Lionsgate's The Crow is set to hit theaters on August 23, 2024.

There's no denying the fact that The Crow has earned itself a substantial cult audience after establishing itself through a 1989 graphic novel and, eventually, four films that spanned from 1994 to 2005. Now, after being dormant for several years, we're just months away from the relaunch of the popular title, which aims to recapture its grim, visceral nature from a new perspective. So, how does this film plan to find its own path while still respecting the influential first film?

The Crow Remake Shares First Story Details, Pics Before June Release
Bill Skarsgård and FKA twigs in THE CROW. Photo credit Larry Horricks © 2024 Yellow Flower LLC

During an interview with Screen Rant, star Danny Huston admits that the creative team wanted to honor what came before without retreading. Huston tells the publication, "Yeah, in a way, you don't want to really remake things that are good, you want to kind of leave them alone, because they're good. Why remake them? But having said that, they're also an inspiration, and as much as you want to respect what was made before, you also want to do something different. You don't want to imitate it; you'd be doing the same thing, and it would be worse, it wouldn't be as good, let's put it that way. So, here, there was an opportunity to tell this kind of Murder of Crows, inky story about revenge and just create a different visual language for it, but yet still be inspired by it and its characters, but make something different."

Due to the popularity of the first film, there's definitely a lot of anticipation about how Lionsgate plans to interpret the iconic story three decades later—but at the very least, the trailer appears to be promising, right?

The Crow Release Date and Plot Summary

Official plot summary: Bill Skarsgård takes on the iconic role of THE CROW in this modern reimagining of the original graphic novel by James O'Barr. Soulmates Eric Draven (Skarsgård) and Shelly Webster (FKA twigs) are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to save his true love by sacrificing himself, Eric sets out to seek merciless revenge on their killers, traversing the worlds of the living and the dead to put the wrong things right.

Lionsgate's remake of The Crow is currently expected to arrive in theaters on August 23, 2024. Will you be checking this one out?


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Aedan JuvetAbout Aedan Juvet

A self-proclaimed pop culture aficionado with a passion for all things horror. Words for Cosmopolitan, Screen Rant, MTV News, NME, etc. For pitches, please email
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