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The Future of Captain America After Avengers: Endgame (Major Spoilers)
Maybe, like me, you think the actions of the Avengers in Avengers: Endgame were worse than those of Thanos. But what about those of Captain America? The owner of America's ass gets up to all sorts of shenanigans in the movie. And they may be worth taking some note of. Tell me what you think.
Such as, when meant to be returning the Infinity Stones to their original points in time, taking the opportunity to rewrite history, and return to Peggy Carter, living his life out in the past, studiously avoiding events and, of course, denying the chance for Peggy to move on. Captain America does the opposite of what he preached to his support group. But hey, wouldn't you? We're all Captain Hypocrites in the end.
So many questions. And maybe we should turn to Dan Jurgens' Lois And Clark story about a Superman and a Lois Lane from a previous version of DC's history, living and working in hiding while the current version of themselves live publicly.
Does Steve Rogers become a covert superhero? Did Cap really stand by when so many people died, or did he operate in the shadows, helping out in ways the Avengers never knew? Or did Nick Fury always know and keep it to his chest? Did he not go to Peggy's funeral to avoid meeting himself? Did Peggy lie to his younger self to keep his cover? And did Sharon know about Peggy's husband?
And of course, did Steve and Peggy have kids? How many of them turned out to be Hydra?
The handing over the shield to Sam Wilson, the Falcon, while the Winter Soldier looks on nails down who will take over the role, when both have done so in the comic books. And the aged Steve Rogers brought to mind Rick Remender's storyline that saw a dimensionally aged Steve handing the shield to Sam.
But could there be Rogers children, grand-children or great-grand-children out there willing to fight for it?
I was told that originally it was planned for Stan Lee to play the aged Captain America, but Stan's failing health made that impossible. And it would have denied Chris Evans ending his story, sitting, watching the sun set. Just like Thanos did….
See? He is as bad as Thanos. And of course, he's not actually dead at the end either. He can still backseat drive Sam Wilson's Captain America with ease…