Posted in: Movies, Video Games | Tagged: assassin's creed, batman beyond, blizzard, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, entertainment, Far Cry 4, Gat Out of Hell, Grand Theft Auto V, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, Lionel Raynaud, Steam Curation, titan, Total War: Attila, ubisoft, video games, Watch Dog
The Gaming Top 10: Titan Cancelled, Steam Curators, Attila the Hun And Lego Batman Beyond
Patrick Dane writes for Bleeding Cool:
Many apologies for running a little this week, but it was all for a good cause. I've been running around EGX for the last few days trying to get hands on with a bunch of upcoming games, so look to a couple previews in the next few days.
As for the latest news, I am bringing you a bunch of trailers, a cancellation, first person Grand Theft Auto V and Batman Beyond!
Sadly, the Batman Beyond news isn't an Arkham style game. Still waiting on that one.
The Long Gestating Titan MMO From Blizzard Has Been Cancelled
Polygon revealed earlier last week that the long gestating Blizzard MMO Titan has finally been dropped. The project had been in 'development' for 7 years and while never officially announced, Blizzard have talked about the project quite openly since it was first mentioned.
In light of the game being cancelled, Kotaku were able to find out what the game was going to be. Set in a Sci-fi universe, there was an emphasis on war and PvP, but also your career and family. It is what Kotaku called a "Team Fortress 2-meets-Destiny-meets-The Sims–meets-World of Warcraft chrimera".
Now, what "development" means is anyone's guess. There is no indication how long the game was in the concepting phase and how much 'game' ever ended up being coded.
This is a shame because the 'Team Fortress 2-meets-Destiny-meets-The Sims-meets-World of Warcraft' genre seems to have fallen through in the last few years.
Gat Out Of Hell Walkthrough Shows Ridiculous Journey Through Hell
Here is five minutes of gameplay from the Saints Row downloadable content Gat Out of Hell. Have a watch and you can see flying, heart ripping outing and demon stabbing.
I was never entirely enamoured with Saints Row 4. I didn't get on too well with the gameplay and there was only so far you could push the 'being a president in an alien invasion' angle. This new stand alone content will live or die by its concept. At the moment, I'm leaning a little more towards the latter.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gets An Impressive Trailer And Survival Mode
As someone who hasn't played Call of Duty seriously since the first Modern Warfare, I am not ashamed to admit that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is looking more and more intriguing. This new trailer is stunning and the more I see of the game, the more I think it will be taking on some bigger moral questions than the series is used to.
A survivor mode is also announced during the trailer, presumably working like many endless wave modes before it. There are some murmurs that there may be some interesting design choices to elevate the mode past the previous examples, but that is currently unspecified.
I actually got to play a little of the game at EGX this week. I'll try and bring you my impressions in the next few days.
Steam Curation Takes Over The Service's Front Page
This could easily turn into a 2000 word opinion piece, but I'll do my best to just present the concept here.
Steam has changed its traditional homepage and replaced it with a new Curator system. This allows users to create lists of games and put their name to it. These lists can then be followed, generating a community around them. The idea is for people to signal boost games they've enjoyed, meaning it would be easier for people to find great recommended games.
The biggest curators are currently YouTube personalities as well as journalists and gaming outlets. If you think about that for a couple seconds, you'll realise the potential for conflict of interests, but like I said, I'm not getting into all that here.
Ubisoft Say The Watch Dog Sequel Is Going To Tackle Flaws Radically
While Watch Dogs sold through the roof, there have been a lot of complaints about the game post-arrival. While a finical success, the game took a panning from some reviewers and many players.
Ubisoft Montreal's vice president of creative, Lionel Raynaud told CVG that the team know this and they are trying to rectify these flaws with the game's sequel. He said that the game in many ways is like the first Assassin's Creed. That game never truly realised its original concept, but then the sequel really elevated the series.
He said that "There are flaws, obviously. We absolutely want to tackle these flaws and surprise players, and the way to tackle some of those flaws is going to be quite radical."
This all sounds great, but without more details or elaboration, it is hard to really know what is being done to address the original issues of the first game. Time will tell. I really didn't enjoy the first game, but I'm happy to reserve scepticism on the sequel until I see more.
Grand Theft Auto V To Get A First Person Mode
With the upcoming PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Grand Theft Auto V coming very soon, some have been wondering what the new versions would offer to persuade them to journey back to Los Santos after just a year.
Well, according to a cache posted on Reddit, a list of features may have leaked, the most interesting of which is a first person mode for when players are in cars or on foot.
I don't know how to feel about this really. If the game wasn't designed in first person, I don't see how these mechanics could be at all satisfying.
Other added features are better graphics, a movie maker for the PC version and lots more animals.
Assassin's Creed Is Going To China With Downloadable Game
China has long been a requested destination for the history trotting Assassin's Creed franchise. That's why fans may be excited, as well as disappointed to find out that a Chinese adventure is coming, just not in the form they were probably hoping.
If you buy the Season Pass for Assassin's Creed Unity, you will be given the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China. It's a sid- scroller set in the 16th century featuring a female assassin named Shao Jun. She is the last remaining Chinese Assassin and has appeared in the franchise's lore before as a student of Ezio Auditore.
While it may not be a full game, don't write it off yet. It looks beautiful and translating Assassin's Creed to a 2D plane could be really quite interesting. Here's hoping they took a few things from the excellent Mark of the Ninja.
Total War: Attila Announced And Ready To Crush Rome
Announced at EGX, the new game in the Total War series will focus on the time of Attila the Hun. I got to play a bit of the game at the Expo, and there is a much bigger focus on fire and destruction in a city.
Do you want to play as a crumbling Rome or a barbarian horde ousting the empire? That is the choice presented here.
I do wish there was a bigger departure in time period from the last game in the series, Total War: Rome 2 though. Where is Genghis Khan?!
Batman Beyond Gets Lego Makeover For Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
If like Lego, Batman Beyond, live in Europe and have a Sony console, you are in luck. Everyone who buys Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham in Europe on the PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 will get the 'Batman of the Future' downloadable content.
The pack will include Terry McGinnis' Batman, a retired Bruce Wayne, Ace, Bonk, Blight and Inque.
For everyone else in the world and those who own an Xbox…Sorry, you're out of luck (for now).
New Far Cry 4 Trailer Focuses On The Game's Antagonist, Pagan Min
Far Cry 3 was often defined by the main antagonist Vaas. His 'insanity' speech is now in the upper echelons of video game monologues and it's one of the very best examples of acting in video games.
It looks like Far Cry 4 is trying to follow that trend by fashioning a new crazy antagonist in Pagan Min. He has charisma, but I'm not convinced Ubisoft aren't trying to catch lightening in a bottle twice.
Regardless, I am interested in seeing what they do with him. The 'help' part alone convinced me there is some solid ground work here for something sinister.
Patrick Dane, once a would be filmmaker, has somewhat accidentally found himself as an entertainment journalist over the past two years. You may recognize him from around these parts, or you may not. Who's counting? From E3 to SDCC to the Top Gear track, Patrick has explored the world of entertainment wherever it has taken him. He is always happy to talk words at you. Hopefully the ones above will suffice your needs.