Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: booker t, pro wrestling wrestling, wwe
WWE Star Booker T Is Running For Mayor Of Houston; Can You Dig That, Suckaaaaaaaa?
Tell us he didn't just say that!
Retired professional wrestler Booker T has announced plans to run for mayor of Houston in 2020.
A five time… five time… five time… five time… five time… WCW world champion and one time WWE champion, the first non-mixed-race African American to achieve that honor, Booker T was an active wrestler for 27 years before retiring in 2016. Booker didn't reveal which political party, if any, he will run under, but sources tell Bleeding Cool he may form a new party, the Shucky Ducky Quack Quack Party.
In his first campaign speech alongside brother Stevie Ray and campaign manager The Sensational Sherri, Booker T had some harsh words for potential opponent Hulk Hogan:
Booker T then went to a local grocery store to kiss babies, but ended up getting into a fight with fellow Texan Stone Cold Steve Austin:
You know what? In a post-Trump world, Booker T will probably win by a landslide.