Where did Plastic Man's super stretching powers go? Justice League Unlimited #3 has the Spoilers...
Posted in: Comics, Video | Tagged: before watchmen, Comics, dc, watchmen 2
Grace Randolph's Between The Pages – Yes, It's Watchmen
Bleeding Cool's Grace Randoph and Newsarama's Alan Kistler discuss the comic industry's week of news in this Between The Pages edition of Think About The Ink… so that means Watchmen. And I find myself disagreeing with every word. Divergence of opinion! Plurality of views! Hell, I publish Darin Wagner, don't I? Must… reign… in… temptation to fly to JFX, get the trains to Midtown Comics at Times Square, hope they are still recording and barge in to object.
Self control, Richard, self control. Calm, calm, calm. There, that's better.
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