Finally they have an extended discussion about the vile-ness that is the twitter lynch mob, and they try to put into perspective some of the complaints being directed at the new Avengers: Age of Ultron film as well as the attacks being made at Joss Whedon directly.
Books Featured in This Episode:
Valiant Comics: Dead Drop #1
dark horse comics Archives
May 20th is bringing out some exciting releases, and one of those will be the next issue of the multiple sell-out series Ei8ht drawn by Rafael
By Alex Wilson My first introduction to the world of Chuck Palahniuk and Fight Club was through the film adaptation by David Fincher. My friend’s older
This is a comic that doesn't need much sell, but written and drawn by Art Baltazar and Franco, this lush beauty of a book brings you the whole Itty Bitty
This week, the first new Fight Club story to hit comics format arrives with Dark Horse’s Free Comic Book Day comic. Written by the Fight Club novel's
Dark Horse Comics will publish the first ever American edition, which will feature an introduction of the chainsaw wielding Shaolin Cowboy The book will look similar to Dark Horse's recent release of Shaolin Cowboy: Shemp Buffet Bourbon Thret features the first appearance of the iconic character, complete with ultra violent and unforgettable zombie stories that[...]
Neverboy is back for its 3rd issue on May 6th and bringing all the strangeness the book summons so well. The series is written by Shaun Simon, with art by
From Dark Horse Comics, experience the story of one of America's most notorious killers as Green River Killer: A True Detective Story heads to paperback for the first time Acclaimed entertainment writer, Jeff Jensen presents the ultimate insider's account of what happened all of those years ago Written by Jensen, with art by Jonathan Case,[...]
From Dark Horse Comics, Adam Warren's, Empowered is back with an all-new installment One of the longest-running American graphic novel series in publication, Empowered Volume 9 pumps up the action Already under official suspicion and suspended from her superteam, costumed crime fighter Empowered finds herself the bewildered target of every major supervillain in the capes-and-tights[...]
The only thing you won't doubt about Harrow County is that it is a world waking up into an occult presence that seems infused into the very landscape and how the people in that landscape react to it will determine their fate.
It's a beautifully illustrated page-turner of a story from what I've seen so far,[...]
Marvel #14
Dark Horse Comics: Archie vs Predator #1
Marvel Comics: Thor #7
Dark Horse Comics: Ei8ht #3
Boom! Box: Giant Days #2
Image Comics: The Fade Out #5
Also discussed: My Little Pony, The Last Unicorn
See you again next week! Find us on Facebook:
Maxx's Super Awesome Comic Review Show returns to Bleeding Cool, recorded at the one and[...]
The three part mini-series The Order of the Forge arrives with its first issue on April 29th from Dark Horse Comics, bringing us a strange tale of a supernaturally-charged young George Washington and friends, wielding a wicked looking axe Written by Victor Gischler, with art by Tazio Bettin and cover art by the fabulous Juan[...]
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with New Comics Now! Archie vs Predator won the week, but there's plenty
By William Wright
One of the biggest announcements to emerge out of Emerald City Comic Con's Dark Horse Comics panel was the news that Barb Wire will return in July 2015 The series will be written by Chris Warner, who also created the character in the early '90s, and drawn by Patrick Olliffe (Untold Tales[...]
Mister X, entirely written and illustrated by Dean R. Motter, is a great lesser known noir and mixed era influenced comic with tantalizingly retro design
On April 22nd, the new issue of Creepy Comics will arrive from Dark Horse, bringing the series to its 20th issue of anthology greatness. This issue is
I've been a bit behind on the two most recent issues of Lady Killer from Dark Horse Comics, written by Joelle Jones and Jamie S Rich, with art by Joelle Jones Earlier today, I decided to set aside some time to catch up on what the 1950s hit-woman has been up to When I last[...]
My initial reaction to the series Past Aways from Dark Horse Comics, was to be very impressed by the hybrid of bright, popping, quickly-moving settings and plot elements in combination with the underlying seriousness of a situation this fractured team of stranded time-travelers finds themselves in It's a kind of strange mental torture for them[...]
We debuted a preview of Shaper #1 here on Bleeding Cool and commented on how it had a certain old school, classic quality to the sci-fi that also had a
We had a rather glorious preview on Bleeding Cool for Resurrectionists #5 previously, a series written by Fred Van Lente, with art by Maurizio Rosenzweig,
Tennyson wrote, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Well, Tennyson never met these lovers… Dark Horse Comics is bringing a Swedish horror-romance comic to the U.S this fall entitled, Love Hurts Written and illustrated by, Kim W Andersson, Love Hurts will be his U.S[...]
Ghost Fleet by Donny Cates and Daniel Warren Johnson returns for Issue #6 on April 1st as a digital exclusive from Dark Horse, following series like The
I didn't expect to receive the photographs he ended up submitting! This is a wildly entertaining expedition.
First, we have Andrea observing a musket for reference:
Then, a close-up on hats and weaponry used to draw the comic:
And some of the brushes he uses for his work:
Followed by the initial layouts for pages #19 and #20 of[...]
Now it's time for more! Dark Horse Comics and PopCap Games have announced, Bully for You, a new ongoing Plants vs Zombies miniseries.
The series will be written by Eisner Award–winning writer Paul Tobin, with art by Ron Chan The story will focus on characters, Nate, Patrice, and Crazy Dave as they investigate a strange college[...]
What could you come up with that was more extreme than something that might appear in the Dark Horse series Grindhouse? Well, you can't really--you just
Grindhouse, one of the most feather-ruffling and engrossing series on the market in its first run, returned in November of 2014 with a new 8 issue series
When I heard that Veil was announced at New York Comic Con about 18 months ago, I was particularly interested to see the comic, and when it arrived, I
It will arrive June 10th from Dark Horse Comics For me, this series took on almost totemic significance when I heard the name since little was known about it, but the ideas behind it really prodded by imagination Some sketches were released last San Diego Comic Con but that's about all–until now The series is[...]
The story is entitled, Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians from Dark Horse Comics, written and illustrated by Ricardo Delgado, with colors by Ryan Hill (Effigy) The bold new wordless storytelling book will take place in the steaming swamps of Cretaceous Africa Prehistoric life, villains, victims, and one of the most dangerous and unpredictable protagonists ever[...]
She was once one of Dark Horse's early superhero comic book character Barb Wire and she headed up their superhero line, Comics Greatest World. Then she