dying light Archives

Dying Light
During Microsoft's E3 press briefing, it was announced Techland will be making their return with Dying Light 2. Dying Light was a wonderful little surprise when it came out The zombie parkour game took many blindsided, taking ideas from games like Dead Island and adding some fresh new ideas and some excellent movement for the genre[...]
Dying Light
Last July, Techland Games promised Dying Light players that they would get 10 free DLC packs over the course of the year, and they've managed to meet that goal The game is a strange one, as it's part parkour, part zombie slasher, part FPS, but it has a pretty dedicated fan base Those fans have since[...]
Dying Light
In that meeting, the company specifically told media and other attendees that they would not abandon Dying Light and had tons of content planned for the future And true to their word, the company has released a few DLC packs over the past calendar year However, if you believe the rumor mill today, it appears Techland are[...]
Dying Light
The latest game to jump into the Battle Royale mess is Dying Light as they'll be adding their 'Bad Blood' expansion to the game soon However, their version of Battle Royale takes things into a different area than other versions to may be playing Techland has put together what appears to be a much more[...]
Techland Sends Their "Undying Love" in Latest Dying Light Event
Techland has added their latest update to Dying Light, which is a six-day event centered around Valentine's Day called "Undying Love" The event will introduce three new survivors, as you can see below, who will be in the game until the next free DLC addition The event itself comes with new quests and challenges in[...]
bc continued service games 2017
The brutal competition included major fan favorites like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, and even Dying Light. The full list of nominees is: Dying Light Tom Clancy's The Division Dark Souls III Overwatch Uncharted 4 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Our judges' scores were: Games Madeline's Score Patrick's Score Gavin's Score Total Dying Light 3 3 3 9 Tom Clancy's The Division 6 5 6 17 Dark Souls III 4 6 4 16 Overwatch 1 1 1 3 Uncharted 4 5 4 5 14 Tom Clancy's Rainbow: Six Siege 2 2 2 6 Despite having two Tom Clancy games on the list,[...]
Bleeding Cool's Game of the Year Awards are Here!
But first, time to check out the competition. The categories and nominees are as follows: Game of the Year Cuphead Destiny 2 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds Super Mario Odyssey Horizon Zero Dawn Best Shooter Prey Destiny 2 PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds Ghost Recon: Wildlands Call of Duty: WWII Resident Evil VII: Biohazard Best RPG South Park: Fractured But Whole NeiR: Automata Mass Effect: Andromeda Torment: Tides of Numenera Legend of Zelda, Breath of[...]
Dying Light
Techland continues to support Dying Light with free content drops, now with a new item, the gun silencer. The developer announced the attachment in a new video It can be put on both German and American 9mm guns and opens up a bunch of Stealth options for the game No longer will your pistol shots attract[...]
Dying Light
Dying Light got excellent post-launch support It saw lots of features added and a meaty expansion too with The Following, which brought in an area as big as the original map Techland seemingly loves supporting the game, and now, nearly three years after the initial release, it is getting a whole new standalone expansion. And would you[...]
Dying Light's Super-Crane Event Wants To Turn You Into Spider-Man
Techland today unveiled details of its The Outstanding Super-Crane event – the latest community challenge for Dying Light– starting October 26th, 12pm PDT (8pm BST) and ending on November 1st at 11:30pm PDT (7:30am BST). The Super-Crane event, which is happening in tandem with the launch of Content Drop #1, encourages players to unleash their spider-like skills because[...]
Dying Light
Back at E3 2017, part of Techland's presentation was to announce that they'd be doing all kinds of DLC updates for Dying Light and showing love to the audience that kept the game alive Today, that promise comes alive as the company released two Content Drops (#0 and #1) today for PS4, Xbox One and[...]
Dying Light
Back at E3, Techland was showing off games like Pure Farming 2018, but in the middle of their presentation they revealed that a lot of DLC content would be coming to Dying Light over the next calendar year Here we are a month later, and the company have started showing off what it is exactly[...]
Techland Shows Off 'Pure Farming 2018' & 'Dying Light' DLC At E3
You'll also have three modes to chose from ranging from quick play missions to expensive sim situations where you control your own funding to determine how well you do! After that, Techland revealed their plans for more DLC for Dying Light The company showed off some fun numbers of all the kills people have done in[...]
Bounties Coming To Dying Light: The Following To Keep You Busy
I'm continually a little shocked at just how big Dying Light: The Following is shaping up to be The map is huge and it seems the new story mode will keep players super busy when it finally launches. Once you do finish that story though, Techland do want you to keep playing That is where bounties[...]
Watch The Beginning Of Dying Light: The Following Here
Dying Light: The Following has been a very long time coming Much longer than you would normally expect for DLC We've been seeing trailers for months and months, and that is only ever really the case when the DLC is really substantial That's exciting, especially for fans of the game. To get a neat taste of[...]
Dying Light: The Following DLC Story Trailer Gets All Religious
We've been hearing about the Dying Light dlc The Following for a long time now, and by all accounts, it's pretty massive It almost feels comparable to a full game at this point, with the inclusion of a larger map that the one in the main game, drivable cars and a fully fledged story. And now[...]
Bleeding Cool's Game Of The Year Selection: #35-#18
While it gets lost a little along the way, the first season is supported by two great bookend episodes and a long, winding set up. Full Review #26: Dying Light All the way back in January, the gaming scene surprisingly became arrested by Techland's Dying Light The game wasn't expected to be a huge success, especially critically, with[...]
Dying Light: The Following Gets New Co-Op Gameplay Footage
In case you didn't know, Dying Light is getting a pretty substantial expansion early next year Coming more than a year after the original game's release, The Following will add drivable buggies and a map bigger than the one in the main game It will also feature a brand new story for the game. Well, a[...]
Dying Light: The Following Is Coming Early Next Year
Dying Light came out all the way back in January, which seems like an age ago now I still think it was a great little romp, and we could well see it turn up on a few Game of the Year lists. We've also been promised an absolutely huge DLC from Techland called The Following[...]
Catch 15 Minutes Of Dying Light's New DLC Including Vehicle Action
Dying Light's new DLC The Following is looking like a pretty big new addition to the game It takes place in a brand new area, which is as big as all the playable areas in the main game's campaign combined. Here is a pretty good look at it too Techland did a stream recently showing off[...]
Dying Light Has Sold 5 Million Copies To Date
Dying Light is one of the big successes of the year No one expected too much from the game when it came out in January, but it was actually a ton of fun and came out at a time when there weren't many titles This has lead the game to be quite the hit. Speaking to[...]
Techland Finally Reveal DLC The Following Which Features A Car
As has been promised for a while, Dying Light is getting a major DLC update which will feature a map as big as all the others in the game combined On top of that, it will feature driveable buggies to run over all the zombie hoards with. It's now been called The Following, and while it still[...]
Techland Announce New DLC For Dyling Light With Huge New Map And Cars
Dying Light remains one of the true surprises of the year The game came out in January to unexpectedly good reviews and remains one the best selling titles this year. And things are about to get a whole lot bigger for the game too Techland have announced a new DLC titled the Following that plans to[...]
Dying Light To Add Drivable Cars In The Near Future
Dying Light is a game all about running across rooftops, parkour style to find a million and one different ways to slay zombies The freeflow movement was one of the highlights of the game, so this next bit of news comes off as a little weird It looks like the game is going to be adding[...]
Dying Light DLC Brings The Horde In A Big Way
Dying Light is one of the biggest surprises of the year The game came out to dominate January and was helped a bunch by being an honest to goodness good game Perhaps in a busier schedule it would have been drowned out, but on its own, its quality won out. If you enjoyed it like I[...]
Dying Light Has Amassed 3.2 Million Players Already
Dying Light really did come out at the perfect time By hitting at the end of January, there was a hunger for new titles and not a lot of competition surrounding it It didn't hurt that it was pretty decent too. Techland have now revealed that that helped the game to become their most successful game[...]
Techland Are Offering A £250,000 House As Part Of Dying Light Bundle
Holy PR stunts Batman! Want to go out and buy the most expansive version of Dying Light on the market? Be careful what you wish for Techland, alongside UK retailer Game are offering a £250,000 edition of the game that comes with it's own house If you are feeling lavish, you can pick up the the[...]
This Dyling Light Short Film Lets You Watch The Thrills Of The Game
Hey you! Did you play Dying Light and think, "I wish I could watch this as a movie instead of interacting with all this zombie nonsense?" You're in luck! Techland and Flying Carpet Studio have produced this short film around the property showing parkour, people with no remorse for their since eaten friends and, of course,[...]