Final Fantasy Archives

Final Fantasy XIV Gets Spooky with the All Saint's Wake Event
Starting today, Final Fantasy XIV players can get their spooky on with the annual All Saint's Wake event which will run from today until Thursday, November 1st at 8:00am PDT As always, all players are invited to take part in the limited-time event, which includes a special instanced dungeon much like last year's version of the[...]
Final Fantasy XI's Kam'Lanaut has Joined the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Roster
Square Enix has brought Final Fantasy XI's Kam'lanaut to Dissidia Final Fantasy NT as the fighting game's fourth Season Pass character If you've got the Dissidia season pass, you should be able to download him immediately. If you didn't play the original massive, long-running Final Fantasy MMO, Kam'lanaut was originally hailed as a hero by the people of Jeuno, though[...]
Nintendo Switch Pre-Orders Are Live for Several Final Fantasy Titles
On the last Nintendo Direct feed, the company teased that Square Enix would make several Final Fantasy titles available on the Nintendo Switch You can currently go onto Amazon today and pre-order a few of the titles they announced, as Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age are both going[...]
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Welcomes Sephiroth Into the Game
The one-winged angel is back as Square Enix have officially added Sephiroth to Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia for a limited time Starting now and running until October 14th, you have a chance to add one of the series' most enrapturing and evil villains to your roster, as the free-to-play game will be keeping him around through[...]
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Will Get New Battle Music in October
if you're tired of the battle music you're currently listening to in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, worry not, more is on the way that you might be familiar with Eight new tracks from various Final Fantasy titles will be added to the mix with an updated sound to them We have the full list for you[...]
Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix let players know that Final Fantasy XV will be receiving more collaborations from franchises they may enjoy, including a new title they've been playing Among the games that will be coming include Terra Wars, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Sengoku Action Puzzle DJ Nobunaga You can check out the official announcement below from this Twitch clip, including[...]
World of Final Fantasy Maxima Introduces New Characters and Monsters at TGS
At Tokyo Game Show today Square Enix unveiled a new trailer for World of Final Fantasy Maxima which is an updated version of the adorable World of Final Fantasy that originally released in October of 2016. Maxima updates the adorable game with new characters, monsters, and a new avatar change system Players will now have access to new Final[...]
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 4.4 Releases New Dungeons, Trials, and Raids
Square Enix has released the next major patch for its acclaimed MMO, Final Fantasy XIV Online Today's patch releases game version 4.40 and is given the title Prelude in Violet As is typical of a major numbered patch in FFXIV, patch 4.4 gives players new main scenario quests, two new dungeons, a new trial and extreme trial, as[...]
Square Enix Announces Kam'lanaut Coming to Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Final Fantasy XI fans are about to freak out as one of the game's main bosses will be making their way into Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Square Enix has announced that Kam'lanaut will be joining the game's roster as the next DLC character A lot of Final Fantasy fans may not be immediately familiar with the character,[...]
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition is Coming to PS4
Some very weird but awesome news out of Square Enix this morning as Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition is Coming to PS4 The original game was released back in 2001 on the Game Cube, and allowed for four-player co-op using link cables from the controller ports to Game Boy Advance units, so everyone could[...]
Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is Coming to All Three Consoles
Good news for fans of Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition as the game will be coming to PS4, Nintendo Switch, and the Xbox One The news has been confirmed this week by multiple sources who all saw that Sony and Microsoft have brand new listings for the game going for $30 Meanwhile, Square ENix confirmed that the[...]
Final Fantasy XIV is Receiveing a Major Content Update in September
This week, Square Enix revealed some of the details about their upcoming major 4.4  update to Final Fantasy XIV We have some of the main details for you below, along with some screenshots from the company as well as a proper trailer introducing the next main scenario quest The patch will kick in on September 18th,[...]
Final Fantasy XIV Surpasses 14 Million Players Milestone
Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy XIV has surpassed the 14 million player mark, which is 4 million players added from last year The MMO reached the new milestone just in time for the game's fifth anniversary, which is actually kind of adorable. Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida shared a special message for fans regarding[...]
Rinoa Heartilly Joins the Roster of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
If you're a fan of Final Fantasy VIII, then we got some awesome news for you as Rinoa Heartilly joins the battle in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Square Enix and Koei Tecmo made the announcement today as she becomes the third character added tot he game in the season pass, and downloadable by herself if you so[...]
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is Getting a Final Fantasy VIII Crossover
We've got another Final Fantasy crossover event happening on mobile, but this time it's a collaboration between Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Final Fantasy VIII Square Enix is adding two new characters to the mix along with a number of extra from the installment, as you will get to play as Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly[...]
Mobius Final Fantasy Receives a Final Fantasy X Collaboration for Anniversary
Today, Square Enix revealed plans for Mobius Final Fantasy's second anniversary, as they will be doing a collaboration with Final Fantasy X There's a huge chunk of information to take in about this as there are plans for it that will span all the way into November, so we have all the details they sent out[...]
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 4.35 Launches New Deep Dungeon 'Heaven-on-High'
Square Enix has continued their post-launch content updates for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood with today's new Patch 4.35, which debuts the new Deep Dungeon, Heaven-on-High, the next chapter in the Hildibrand quest series, as well as new items and system updates Oh, and the launch of The Feast Regional Championship 2018, for the few dedicated PvP enthusiasts. Heaven-on-High[...]
Final Fantasy 7 Remake VII city pose
Final Fantasy 7 Remake's director Tetsuya Nomura has admitted that the announcement for the game back at E3 2015 was probably a little early. credit//Square Enix I was in the room when Final Fantasy 7 Remake was announced It came sandwiched between The Last Guardian's return and the announcement of Shenmue 3 The room pretty wild, with three huge[...]
Locke Cole Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
The day is finally here as Square Enix has unleased Locke Cole into the world of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT as their latest playable character The character was announced a few weeks ago as being the next to be added as part of the season pass, bringing the thief into play and making it possible to[...]
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake's director has taken to the press to assure fans that the game is still in full-scale development despite the game skipping E3. It's been a long while since we've heard about Final Fantasy 7 Remake in any official capacity The game was announced at E3 2015 during a rather mythical press conferenc,[...]
Final Fantasy 7 Remake VII city pose
The new announcements focused on Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Quest XI, and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, while the rest of the show was full of trailers we'd kind of seen before A lot of it was footage that dropped in pieces during the Microsoft show yesterday, with a bit more commentary and maybe a tiny bit of new[...]
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is now available for Windows and is now playable on PC, laptops, and Surface tablets. Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition retells the story of crown prince Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus, across ten thrilling episodes redesigned for mobile platforms in a cute chibi polygon style and streamlined questlines All 10 episodes are[...]
Final Fantasy XV to Receive Some Weird Additions Next Week
If you're into the truly weird non-essential couldn't help you out int he game even if it tried kind of content for Final Fantasy XV, then next week is going to be your jam Square Enix will be releasing a series of small patches adding some bonus content for players to see out and add[...]
Final Fantasy VII Remake
On one of those appears to be a shot from the remake. While we've gotten a few other glimpses of Final Fantasy VII Remake in-progress before, this is the first one which shows what could be a boss battle. Twitter user DKHF4 took the recruitment image and blew it up to get a closer look at the monitor, which[...]
Final Fantasy XIV's Patch 4.3 is Live with New Raids, Dungeons, and PvP Updates
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood's patch 4.3 Under the Moonlight is live today and brings the next chapter of the Return to Ivalice raid series, a new dungeon, trial, beast tribe quests, and main scenario quests Plus some additional PVP updates, Job balance updates, and performance actions. Today's update will add many new challenges to the game, including: New[...]
There Was Going to Be a Final Fantasy Tactics 2, Until It Was Scrapped
If you're a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics, prepare to have your heart broken: it was revealed this past weekend that there was going to be a sequel to the PS1 game, until it was scrapped by Square Enix. During a livestream yesterday, Tactics series director Yasumi Matsuno was talking about the latest addition to Final Fantasy[...]
Square Enix Promises Multiple Blockbuster Games Coming This Year
Likely, we'll find out about those new IPs during the publisher's E3 conference. Also absent is any mention of the Final Fantasy VII remake Which could mean they're holding off for an E3 announcement as the rumors would have it, or that the game is still deep in development. Finally, the publisher added some detail on their plans[...]
Rumor: Final Fantasy VII Remake Release Date to be Announced at E3
If you've been eagerly waiting on the Final Fantasy VII Remake to release, we might have some good news for you Granted, at this point it is mostly rumor and speculation, but new information indicates the game might get a release date at Square Enix's E3 conference next month. The LifeStream user hian posted a translation of[...]
Sephiroth Officially Joins Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
The one-winged angel himself, Sephiroth, has officially joined the roster of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius this week, as Square Enix put out a massive update for the gamed that adds a few new characters and features to the game Three more characters will also be joining the fray as well in the form of Mim, Shylt, and[...]
Dragon Quest XI is the Latest Collaboration Event for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
After announcing that Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is coming west to PlayStation 4 and Steam on September 4th with some updated features, Square Enix has decided to making Dragon Quest the latest collaboration event in their hit mobile RPG Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Starting today, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius players can go up against legendary Dragon[...]