Garret Dillahunt Archives

AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Season 4: Meet the Five New Cast Members!
New faces were brought on board to attract both Walking Dead and new fans to the series: TWD's Morgan (Lennie James) left Alexandria to find a sense of himself elsewhere, meeting Althea (Maggie Grace), John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt), and Laura/Naomi/June (Jenna Elfman) along the way. Credit: AMC Just when you thought you got your scorecard straight…here's a[...]
AMC Sets 'Walking Dead' Superfan Yvette Nicole Brown as Interim 'Talking Dead' Host
– Hall H) Panelists (M: Yvette Nicole Brown): Colman Domingo, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Lennie James, Danay Garcia, Garret Dillahunt, Maggie Grace, and Jenna Elfman; executive producers/showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg; and executive producers Scott M Gimple, Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, Greg Nicotero, and David Alpert. The first half of season four began with one figure huddled around a campfire, and ended with nine[...]
AMC Unleashes Walking Dead, FTWD, Preacher on SDCC 2018 – Official Promo Art
– Hall H) Panelists (M: Yvette Nicole Brown): Colman Domingo, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Lennie James, Danay Garcia, Garret Dillahunt, Maggie Grace, and Jenna Elfman; executive producers/showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg; and executive producers Scott M Gimple, Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, Greg Nicotero, and David Alpert. The first half of season four began with one figure huddled around[...]
The 'Fear the Walking Dead'/'The Walking Dead' Crossover You Might've Missed
Theirs will be a journey wrought with danger, love, heartbreak, loss, and ultimately, hope. Credit: AMC Starring Lennie James, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo, Danay Garcia, Garret Dillahunt, Maggie Grace, and Jenna Elfman, Fear the Walking Dead is executive produced by Scott M Gimple, and showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg; as well as  Robert Kirkman, David Alpert, Gale Anne Hurd and Greg Nicotero. [...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4.5 Teaser: So Was That a "Zomb-Nado" or a "Walker-Cane"?
Gimple, and showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg; as well as  Robert Kirkman, David Alpert, Gale Anne Hurd and Greg Nicotero. Credit: AMC Starring Lennie James, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo, Danay Garcia, Garret Dillahunt, Maggie Grace, and Jenna Elfman, here's what fans can expect when Fear the Walking Dead returns this August: can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fear the Walking Dead: 'First Look' at the[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4.5 Gets August Return, Second-Half Synopsis
Gimple, showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, as well as Robert Kirkman, David Alpert, Gale Anne Hurd and Greg Nicotero. Credit: AMC Take a look at the trailer, overview and essential scene from mid-season finale 'No One's Gone;' followed by the first official synopsis for the second-half of the AMC series' fourth season, which stars Lennie James,[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 8 Review: Had Its Moments But Time to Move On
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo, and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman, Maggie Grace, and Kevin Zegers[...]
Dead Man Blogging 408: Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
408 | Fear the Walking Dead ( Fear the Walking Dead s04e08 'No One's Gone': Madison's decision to help an adversary has unintended consequences; John Dorie's life hangs in the balance. ● This page should update…but just to be on the safe side I strongly suggest you refresh every now and then to make sure because I've[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 7 Review: Vultures Attack in an Intense Episode
Credit: AMC After a two-week hiatus, Bleeding Cool's weekly review/recap of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead season 4 is back with a look at the penultimate episode before the mid-season break: 'The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now.' Let me start with an earlier-than-usual spoiler waring: even though John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt) was left with a gaping bullet[...]
Dead Man Blogging 407: Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
After a two week "ceasefire," the AMC series comes roaring back with tonight's seventh episode 'The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now.' And while the firefight between our "heroes" and Mel's (Kevin Zegers) Vultures rages on, Naomi-"Laura" (Jenna Elfman) and Morgan (Lennie James) have a much more dire situation on their hands: a wounded and[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Rewind 406: A Look Back at 'Just in Case'
From there, we end up in a nasty stand-off (finally) between Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey), Victor (Colman Domingo) and Luciana (Danay Garcia) and Mel's (Kevin Zegers) Vultures – with John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt) caught in the crossfire. Credit: AMC If you were noticing a little attitude just now…well…here's our review of 'Just in Case' and see why; followed by[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 6 Review: Is Naomi Our New Nick?
Credit: AMC Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's weekly review/recap of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead season 4, taking a look at the sixth episode of the season – and the last one before the holiday weekend break: 'Just in Case.' This week, we get more of Naomi's (Jenna Elfman) backstory at the Stadium before all roads[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 7 Preview: Naomi Tries Convincing Madison to Leave
Credit: AMC 'Just in Case' left us with a… "better" understanding of Naomi/Laura (Jenna Elfman), and John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt) was left in a certain situation that might have fans of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead season 4 rioting Alicia's (Alycia Debnam-Carey) way if things go south. On top of that? We have a two-week wait! Credit: AMC So until then,[...]
Dead Man Blogging 406 'Just in Case': Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
This week, with the John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt)/Naomi-"Laura" (Jenna Elfman) backstory firmly established, it looks like our "Then" and "Now" timelines are about to come crashing into one another But as our heroes build towards some kind of confrontation with the Vultures, we might just find out what it was that happened at the Stadium[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Rewind s04e05: A Look Back at 'Laura'
But before the mayhem, we get John Dorie's (Garret Dillahunt) touching, heartbreaking backstory with Naomi/"Laura" (Jenna Elfman)- and quite possibly the best couple in the Walking Dead universe (okay…maybe second to Rick/Michonne). So reacquaint yourselves with our review of Fear the Walking Dead's  'Laura' and let us know what you think: can't be loaded because JavaScript[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 6 Preview: Naomi Has a Secret
Credit: AMC After last week's John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt)/Naomi-Laura (Jenna Elfman)-centered episode of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead left us with all sorts of feels – and put John Dorie in contention for best new character on television this year – we're back to the dreary "NOW" in this week's sixth episode, 'Just in Case.' And[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 5 'Laura' Review: Finding Dorie
Credit: AMC Hola! Happy Mama's Day! Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's weekly review/recap of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead season 4, taking a look at the fifth episode of the season, 'Laura.' This week, we get a lot more of John Dorie's (Garret Dillahunt) backstory (cool how that rhymes) as we learn how he met — and[...]
Dead Man Blogging 405 'Laura': Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
With most of our "heroes" (not sure about everyone yet) on their way to wage a righteous holy war on the Vultures, this week's 'Laura' gives us John Dorie's (Garret Dillahunt) backstory as he comes to terms with a tragic truth he's learned about a woman he lost. So before we get started, get yourself acquainted with[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Rewind s04e04: A Look Back at 'Buried'
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie Grace[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 4 'Buried' Review: Who Am I Supposed to Like Again?
405 | Fear the Walking Dead ( Fear the Walking Dead Episode 4×05 'Laura': The arrival of a wounded visitor in John Dorie's life forces him to change his ways. In this scene from tonight's episode 'Buried', John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt) learns the fate (???) of the woman he's been searching for since the season began:[...]
Dead Man Blogging 404 'Buried': Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie[...]
Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Rewind: A Look Back at 'Good Out Here'
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie Grace[...]
fear the walking dead
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie Grace[...]
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 3 Review: And Then THAT Happened
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie Grace[...]
Dead Man Blogging 403: Bleeding Cool's Fear the Walking Dead Live-Blog!
There will be darkness and light; terror and grace; and the heroic, mercenary and craven, all crashing together toward a new reality for Fear the Walking Dead. Credit: AMC AMC's Fear the Walking Dead's fourth season stars Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo and Danay Garcia; as well as new series regulars Lennie James, Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman and Maggie[...]