indiana jones Archives

Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). Image Credit: Paramount Pictures/Lucasfilm
It's been a while since we've heard anything concrete about plans for a 5th installment of the Indiana Jones franchise, but, there could be reason for that. As we last reported, production on the film had been pushed back from April of 2019 (which, obviously didn't happen), and wasn't going to make it's loose release date[...]
New to Netflix US | January | Netflix
If you're asking yourself what to watch in the month of January, never fear- Netflix has some pretty great titles coming from the 1st-30th in January 2019. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: New to Netflix US | January | Netflix ( January 1st: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Season 3 Across the Universe Babel Black Hawk Down City of[...]
Did You Know: Kathleen Kennedy Was a Dancer in 'Temple of Doom'?!
Thalberg proud–to tell hopeful stories, stories about the triumph of the human spirit." Which is wonderful, and we're very happy to see her being recognized for her YEARS of tremendous work with Amblin and other companies. Okay so aside from the award-honor bestowed on Kennedy last night, the reminder (thanks to Kyle Buchanan on Twitter), that her[...]
We LOVE this Indiana Jones Animated Adventure Short
With Disney ramping up all their properties to flesh out their streaming service (Disney+), we'd actually really love to see this Indiana Jones cartoon series happen. Posted to Facebook by Mootion- Daily Animation Inspiration, this INCREDIBLE fan-made animated short featuring our favorite archeologist adventurer is the type of thing we'd love to see happen on Disney+. "The[...]
We knew earlier this month that production on the fifth Indiana Jones film had been pushed back from 2019 to 2020 with the bringing in of screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan to polish (and/or possibly rewrite) the script, but that hopes were high the film would make a year to two years release date. Today Disney confirmed that they are[...]
Marion Ravenwood's 'Raiders' Hangover Cure Finally Revealed
This happened recently with an Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark longstanding question that needed to be answered. Mainly: what the hell is it that Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) holds up to her temples after winning the drinking contest? Ian McCamey recently asked this question out loud on Twitter, and thankfully instead of the usual bout of[...]
Indiana Jones 5
In an interview with The Sun Steven Spielberg revealed that he's open to the idea of a female version of Indiana Jones. "We'd have to change the name from Jones to Joan And there would be nothing wrong with that … This will be Harrison Ford's last Indiana Jones movie, I am pretty sure, but it[...]
Indiana Jones 5
What will Steven Spielberg direct next? Sources are swirling in Tinseltown that maybe, just maybe, he'll be returning to a particular popular archaeology professor. Photo by Gage Skidmore Last year it was reported that Spielberg was definitely planning a 5th installment in the Indiana Jones franchise, and Kathleen Kennedy confirmed (in 2015) that both Steven and Harrison Ford were interested in coming[...]
Whoops, Man Mansplains Indiana Jones Costumes To The Designer
Social media has been amazing for the level of connection audiences can have with creators.  But also social media has been the worst possible thing for connecting certain audience members with creators.  There isn't a day that goes by where someone protected by the anonymity of facebook or twitter decides to rip something a part,[...]
Is Harrison Ford The Greatest Film Actor Of All Time?
And when it comes to action: what about Harrison Ford? As I was working on another article this morning involving Indiana Jones 5, I noticed something interesting From 1980 to 2000, Ford may have had the greatest streak of hit movies of any actor ever And while Ford seems to be on a farewell tour of his[...]
Shia LaBeouf
There is speculation that the fifth entry in the Indiana Jones franchise will pass the wide-brimmed fedora and whip from Harrison Ford into younger hands who can carry the franchise further If that does happen in Indiana Jones 5, the torch will not be passed to Henry Jones III According to screenwriter David Koepp, Indy's[...]
'Star Wars: Episode IX' And 'Indiana Jones 5' Get Release Dates
Thus far the other titles with claims to that day are Minecraft: The Movie, The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, and The Billion Brick Race. also got to announce that the fifth Indiana Jones movie also snagged some prime real estate with it's release date of July 10, 2020 June and July are often considered[...]
Indiana Jones Gets A Neat Fan Video Proposing A Cartoon Version Of The Franchise
At this point, it seems a little unlikely that we will see another Indiana Jones, at least with Harrison Ford involved The star isn't getting any younger, and Steven Spielberg currently has a bucket load of projects on his agenda. Reboots have certainly been talked about, but for right now, maybe this will make Indy fans[...]
Bob Iger Has Trouble Describing Where Disney Is Taking Indiana Jones
We know that 73-year old Harrison Ford is coming back for Indiana Jones 5 and that Disney doesn't want the franchise to stop there But just where do they go after that? THR asked Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, and he seemed less than clear on what exactly the plans are: Not like Star Wars, no But[...]
Star Wars Has Its Indiana Jones, Now It Gets A Sherlock Holmes
Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca already introduced Aphra, the Indiana Jones of the Star Wars Universe, working for Darth Vader into their titular villain book And a superhero team. Well, in today's issue of Darth Vader, it's time for a new archetype Sherlock Holmes. In the form of Inspector Thanoth. Yeah, he won't last long[...]
Anna Kendrick Reboots Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
For Red Nose Day, NBC and Anna Kendrick have worked up this parody reboot of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Here Kendrick wears the classic fedora and whip made famous by Harrison Ford in the scene where he must choose the Holy Grail from a collection of various cups. [youtube][/youtube] [...]
The People Behind Darth Vader, Spider-Gwen And Princess Leia Comics At ECCC
Ian Melton went to ECCC for Bleeding Cool where he learnt a few things from a few comic book creators, mostly of a Marvel bent… Kieron Gillen would not let any spoilers loose for Darth Vader, but commented that creating hot new Star Wars character Doctor Aphra came from a source most expect.  "At the Star[...]
O-O-O And BT-1, The Evil C-3PO And R2-D2 From Darth Vader #3
Because while the anticipation for the Darth Vader #3 comic book was very much concentrated around the appearance of Dr Aphra, the Indiana Jones of the Star Wars universe…. Because, you know, Harrison Ford is busy playing another character… And now, courtesy of Darth Vader's Phantom Menace-based desire to build robots, a new ally of Darth Vader. But on reading,[...]
"We Named The Dog Indy" – Sideshow Collectible Has Time For Doctor Jones
Sideshow Collectibles have announced their newest sixth-scale figure, Indiana Jones from the film Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom The figure is crafted on a brand new, fully-articulated body Dressed in his iconic globetrotter gear, including a screen-accurate tailored jacket, khaki shirt and trousers, and famous fedora Dr Jones comes armored with his trademark[...]
Disney Think We'll Have A New Indiana Jones Film In Two Or Three Years
Disney now owns all aspects of future Indiana Jones adventures, and a new film could be on screen in two or three years, says Chairman Alan Horn. It'll take a couple years, Horn says, because they don't have any concrete plans for how to continue to tell the story yet: We haven't done anything We don't have[...]
Disney Now Owns Indiana Jones Too
Looks like more Indiana Jones adventures may be coming to theaters soon First Star Wars, and now Disney has finalized a deal to buy marketing and distribution rights to George Lucas' other lucrative Harrison Ford franchise from Paramount as well. Disney already owned the production rights since they came with their purchase of Lucasfilm last year,[...]
The Bleeding Cool Review: Raiders of the Lost Ark, IMAX Size
It's Indiana Jones, but bigger. This is your chance to see Harrison Ford's face as big as you have ever seen it, so if that sounds great to you, party on, you will have a blast But it is important to discuss the drawbacks here. What I find an odd phenomenon is that the idea of an[...]
The Indiana Jones Blu Ray Glass Case Filled With Live Snakes
The glass display promotion the Indiana Jones Blue Ray is full of snakes… [youtube][/youtube] From San Diego Comic Con The glass display promotion the Indiana Jones Blue Ray is full of snakes… [youtube][/youtube] [...]
Rick Olney Demands Apology Before He'll Hand Over Charity Maps And Donations
Matt Busch, creator of the Indiana Jones World Maps intended to benefit disabled veteran charities, has given us the latest on his attempts to retrieve them from disgraced ex-comics convention organiser Rick Olney. He writes; I can't remember what was last spilled, but about 2 months ago, I had finally connected with the appropriate folks at[...]
Jim Steranko's Birthday Art Gallery
In 1981, he served as a concept artist on the film Raiders of the Lost Ark, designing the character of Indiana Jones. James F Steranko[1] (born 5 November 1938,[2] Reading, Pennsylvania, United States) is an American graphic artist, comic book writer-artist-historian, magician, publisher and film production illustrator. His most famous comic book work was with the 1960s[...]
When A Doctor Tries To Order An Indiana Jones Map From Rick Olney
He's been in conversation with the disgraced comics convention organiser and publisher Rick Olney, which went a little sour, over the matter of those Indiana Jones World Map And now he's decided to share the correspondence with Bleeding Cool. Hi Rick! I'm definitely interested in buying a few of these maps Anything to benefit fellow vets[...]