jeffrey dean morgan Archives

'The Walking Dead': James Woods' Man Tears Feed Abraham/Negan Team-Up
Cudlitz extended his professional brand to include directing, taking the reins for this season's seventh episode, "Stradivarius" – and still harboring strong family feelings for his apocalyptic alma mater: Now lest anyone think that Cudlitz is responding based on political differences (or think I didn't have a reason to use "lest"), the actor/director shut that s**t[...]
'The Walking Dead' Season 9, Episode 10 "Omega" (Bring Out Your Dead 910! Live-Blog)
910 | The Walking Dead ( The Walking Dead s09e10 "Omega": A new arrival at the Hilltop opens up about the leader of a group of mask-wearing savages; a search party sets out on a daring mission to find two missing friends. ● This page should update…but just to be on the safe side I strongly suggest[...]
It is fitting, albeit bittersweet, that Winchesters sacrifice their happiness once more – but this time they do it together as a family. Supernatural — "Lebanon" — Image Number: SN1413D_0114b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Jensen Ackles as Dean, Jared Padalecki as Sam, Samantha Smith as Mary Winchester and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester — Photo: Dean[...]