This enables him to go off alone – to let go of the last part, himself, before he can move on and let the new Doctor arrive. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Twelfth Doctor Regenerates | Peter Capaldi to Jodie Whittaker | Doctor Who (
The TARDIS is Mother[...]
jodie whittaker Archives
Last year, as the world awaited the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special "Twice Upon a Time," BBC America released a two hour long "Festive Yule Log" that contained hints about Peter Capaldi's swan song episode.
This year, despite the fact that there will be a Doctor Who New Year's Day Special instead of a Christmas Special, BBC America once[...]
On the off chance that I am actually right about any of this – possible spoilers ahead!
BBC Studios
The trailer starts with a conversation between the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and her companions Graham (Bradley Walsh), Ryan (Tosin Cole), and Yaz (Mandip Gill) about the "DNA of the most dangerous creature in the universe."
BBC Studios
Graham looks confused[...]
Who should step in and help out but – you guessed it – The Doctor!
Because the Doctor.
Of course Jodie Whittaker shows up (voice only, fans) as The Doctor – because this wouldn't be a Doctor Who Christmas Special without the Doctor.
Now you can open your presents, eat your mince pies and puddings, and wait till New Year's[...]
The BBC's official Doctor Who YouTube Channel released "The Story of Susan Foreman", telling the story of the Doctor's granddaughter and first companion.
As Doctor Who Series 11 draws to a close on January 1, we take a look at new series composer Segun Akinola's 13th Doctor theme and other "New Who" themes.
The only thing in Doctor Who news more controversial than the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor are opinions on the quality of the show's Series 11 While the press has been busy writing reviews and opinion pieces, the fans have let their viewing habits do the talking – and the news is really[...]
Mark Addy guest stars alongside Jodie Whittaker in the final episode of her debut series.
While the Doctor Who website gives a bit more information in their description:
On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos lie the remains of a brutal battlefield But as the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan answer nine separate distress calls, they discover the[...]
Jodie Whittaker played the scene as a break-up The Doctor leaves the Solitract with the memory of their short friendship to sustain it for eternity A human goes insane from being alone for too long How do we know an eternity of solitude wouldn't drive a sentient universe insane and it might implode as an[...]
Jodie Whittaker's 13th Doctor will get to spend a little more time – at least one more season's worth – spinning around time and space, with the actress confirming her return for at least one more season/series in BBC's Doctor Who The first female Doctor was expected by many to return for a new season,[...]
The 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi might have scolded and shamed the Solitract into letting him go.
The 13th Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, is unique in her emotional transparency and sincerity.
I try not to watch Doctor Who with preconceptions or what I think the show should be I like to look at it from the showrunner's intentions and whether the[...]
Notably, the collection does not include the alternate title sequences from the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi)'s Christmas Special 'The Husbands of River Song' and rock theme from 'Before the Flood' or the recent new arrangement from the Thirteenth Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) episode "Demons of the Punjab."
Watching the anthology in order is almost like travelling through[...]
As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?
We also have a glimpse of what Jodie Whittaker's 13th Doctor will look like in the episode, with a lovely new scarf:
Written by Chris Chibnall, the episode is directed by Wayne Yip, who previously directed two[...]
As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt.
But is there something even more dangerous at work? And can the Doctor and her friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all of the forces amassing in the land?
Starring Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill[...]
In addition to a new Doctor (Jodie Whittaker, Broadchurch) who has a new outlook on life, there is new theme music, a new TARDIS (inside and out), and new companions who the Doctor treats as equals and friends rather than disciples Change comes with the territory for fans of a show about a time-and-space travelling alien who[...]
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and friend Jimmy Doherty are bringing Jamie & Jimmy's Friday Night Feast back to Channel 4 for a sixth season…with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Danny DeVito, Jessica Chastain (It: Chapter 2), and Doctor Who's Jodie Whittaker leading the season's line-up of celebrity chefs.
In addition to DeVito, Chastain, and Whittaker, guests[...]
Doctor Who series 11 episode 5 "The Tsuranga Condundrum" has just aired in the UK, so BIG GIANT SPOILER ALERT for our US readers. We're off to a space
Here are 10 thoughts about the most recent episode of BBC's "Doctor Who".
First we have a preview of next week's Doctor Who episode, Rosa, set in 1950's Alabama and a certain Rosa Parks ahead of some civil rights history.
Another new trailer for the upcoming season 11 of BBC's Doctor Who has surfaced, and we're getting even more excited to see Jodie Whittaker's first [full episodic] outing as the 13th Doctor.
She's the Doctor.
Watch the official trailer for the new season of #DoctorWho, premiering Sunday, October 7th on @BBCAMERICA
— Doctor Who on BBC America[...]
We are moving ever closer to the premiere of the 11th [modern] season of BBC's Doctor Who and with it, the introduction of Jodie Whittaker's Doctor.
Posted today, this image features Whittaker, and her new companions surrounded by some very Whovian-lookin' surroundings:
An adventure like no other New Doctor Who, Sunday 7th October
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho)[...]
After 13 years on Saturday nights — and decades before that as well — Doctor Who will move to Sunday nights for the upcoming season/series 11 starring Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor The premiere episode will be titled 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth'.
#ICYMI The first episode is called: The Woman who fell to Earth[...]
The road to the Thirteenth Doctor Who incarnation continues when the Eleventh Doctor and Alice go to late 19th Century San Francisco. Is it a good read?
The Tenth Doctor returns in the build-up to the Thirteenth's arrival. This Doctor Who special serves as a prologue. Is it a good read?
Even if you didn't attend San Diego Comic-Con this year, BBC has got you Doctor Who fans covered. They've officially released the FULL panel recorded in Hall H with the new Doctor, two of her new companions, the showrunner, and an executive producer.
As filmed at San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend, here's the full Hall H[...]
We're sure by now you've heard all about Jodie Whittaker joining long-running BBC series Doctor Who as the 13th to carry the moniker for [modern] season 11 of the show. What you maybe DON'T know is that she really is as outrageously incandescent in person as she is on camera.
Jodie Whittaker in Hall H, SDCC 2018
We were lucky[...]
San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) is mere hours away from kickoff, but BBC is whetting our appetites for more Doctor Who goodness ahead of their panel Thursday morning in Hall H.
Three images have been released showcasing Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor, along with her new companions Yasmin (Mandip Gill), Ryan (Tosin Cole), and Graham (Bradley Walsh).
As promised, the BBC dropped a teaser for the upcoming (modern) 11th season of Doctor Who, starring Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Doctor Who: Series 11 Teaser (
There's pizza, there's soccer/football, there's even a full English Breakfast with beans and everything.
Apparently the gent eating the brekkie there's name is[...]
It would appear the wait is almost over to see Jodie Whittaker in action as the 13th Doctor, because we're getting a trailer for Doctor Who tomorrow!
Announced on the official DW twitter account, the new trailer will drop sometime tomorrow (Sunday) during the final match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
The #WorldCup may not be coming home but the[...]
Played by Jodie Whittaker, coming to a TV screen near you this autumn But before that we have San Diego Comic-Con — and several new lines of merchandise from a number of companies.
Titan has produced two limited-edition 6.5" Titan s vinyl collectibles, one 6.5" 13th Doctor Titan and one 6.5" 13th Doctor Kawaii Titan – both[...]