Posted in: BBC, Doctor Who, Recent Updates, Trailer, TV | Tagged: 13th doctor, Alan Cumming, amazon, bbc, bbc america, bbc one, bradley walsh, cable, doctor who, episode 8, jodie whittaker, Mandip Gill and Tosin Cole. Guest starring Siobhan Finneran, series 11, streaming, tardis, television, the witchfinders, Time Lord, tv
Bleeding Cool Traveled to Doctor Who's Future! Or Someone Screwed Up…
Being a busy working mom, I can't always watch my favorite television shows on the night they air. So on Wednesday night, I went to my Amazon Prime app and loaded up Season 11 Doctor Who, clicked on last Sunday's seventh episode 'Kerblam!' and started watching.
Then the episode starts – with 'The Witchfinders' displayed on the screen, and the episode starts with the Doctor and her companions at an early 17th Century England witch trial. I continued watching the witch-hunting-centered ep, never getting to any part part that resembled the trailer I saw for 'Kerblam!' (clearly this wasn't that episode).
When the episode finished, I did the most logical thing: googled "Amazon Prime Kerblam Witchfinders" and came up with a reddit thread describing exactly what I experienced.
So it looks like it wasn't 'Kerblam!' that I saw, but instead this season's next episode 'The Witchfinders' – a full four days before it was due to premier. A quick search on twitter shows that people started discussing this issue with Amazon at approximately 7pm EST Wednesday night, with one twitter user and one reddit user complaining that Amazon customer service was not helpful (the reddit user even said Amazon blamed the BBC for supplying the wrong content):
Additionally, users on reddit were quick to question whether accidentally posting The Witchfinders four days early was Amazon's payback at Doctor Who for poking fun at Amazon in 'Kerblam!'. I have no idea how accurate that is – or even if it is true: because while I may have traveled into Doctor Who's future, I still haven't seen 'Kerblam!'.
Oh, and in case you are wondering? 'The Witchfinders' is pretty good: very dark, and not as good as 'Rosa' or 'Demons of the Punjab,' but an enjoyable episode nonetheless.
Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 8 'The Witchfinders': The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz arrive in 17th century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch trial, run by the local landowner. As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt.
But is there something even more dangerous at work? And can the Doctor and her friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all of the forces amassing in the land?
Starring Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill and Tosin Cole. Guest starring Siobhan Finneran and Alan Cumming. Written by Joy Wilkinson. Directed by Sallie Aprahamian.