NYCC Archives

Lots of Comic Pros Are Having Trouble Getting Pro Badges for New York Comic Con
Got rejected for my NYCC pro badge Interesting turn of events. — Deron Bennett (@deronbennett) May 31, 2018 Interesting indeed, and prompting further discussion of who didn't get in… Orzechowski got rejected? — Simon Bowland (@SimonBowland) May 31, 2018 Not just letterers, though @JAMALIGLE didn't get approved either And… the badges aren't even free, am I reading that right? — Simon[...]
Siren Songs s01e10: Bleeding Cool's Mer-Mazing Season Finale Live-Blog!
Meanwhile, Dale must answer for the escalating crime in Bristol Cove. ● This page is set to update – but just to be on the safe side…I suggest you refresh every now and then to make sure everything's current (because I've been known to ramble often and quickly). ● If you're going on Twitter, Instagram, etc., to talk[...]
Presidential Election (…it's getting close…) and a "big box" from Pomme Frites — with five dipping sauces! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Weekly Static s01e27: Tosh Renews, Flair "Wooooo's" & Tons More! ( Comedy Central Renews Tosh.0 Through 2020 Ric Flair Briefly Sells $50 Sexual Consent Contract for Valentine's Day Before Removing It The CW[...]
ReedPOP, Syfy Wire to Live-Stream NYCC, ECCC and C2E2 in New Deal
Credit: (left) ReedPOP / (right) Syfy Wire ReedPOP and Syfy Wire are set to give fans who can't make it out to Chicago, Seattle or New York City this year the next best thing to being there, with the editorial arm of NBCUniversal's Syfy cable network striking a deal with the event producer to be the exclusive[...]
bucket list
Last two things? Doesn't ever take itself too seriously, and definitely has a bar. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: NYCC 2017 Final Recap ( ●Host a panel/event of my own creation at New York Comic Con (NYCC) and San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC)[...]
CONFIRMED: ReedPOP Acquires UK-based MCM Comic Con
that serve nearly 300,000 fans in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and Belfast. MCM Comic Con co-founder Bryan Cooney echoes Fensterman's thoughts on how MCM can benefit from ReedPOP's size and expertise, while MCM is ReedPOP's key to the U.K.: "Everyone at MCM is delighted to be joining the ReedPOP family.  I have visited NYCC many times and[...]
Final Fantasy XV's Multiplayer Expansion Has Been Delayed
At the moment, no announcements have been made about an increased price for the western version of the DLC, but it is pretty likely we'll hear about that in a few days. Of course, those who purchased the expansion pass won't have to pay anything more and will be able to download the DLC as soon[...]
Monster Energy Supercross Is Milestone's Second Attempt At An Arcade Racer
The first is the arcade-style rallycross racer Gravel and the latest is the hilariously named Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame, which is also much more of an arcade-style racer. I got some hands on time with Gravel back during PAX West, and found the game to be much easier to pick up and play than the usual Milestone[...]
food truck nycc 2017 pickle rick
Fandomfest rolled into NYCC last weekend with one goal; to provide an excellent time for fans within the Javits Center They had their own corner of the exhibit hall, where they had a screen printing area, video games, and a food truck. The food truck was arguably the most popular attraction there, as fans had to[...]
Fandom Fantasy Food Truck New York Comic Con 2017
If you were at New York Comicon, you probably noticed the curious sight of a Fantasy Food Truck parked in the back corner of the convention hall
Checking Out This Random Kirby I Bought At NYCC
Everywhere you went on the NYCC floor, there was a Kirby plushie to buy At least for the first few days As the con winded down, I needed to have one, but they were all gone So, needing a little Kirby in my life, I decided to get this Pause Big Figure version and try[...]
Examining The Loot Crate Exclusive Stay Puft From NYCC
While visiting the floor and seeing some old friends at NYCC, I passed by the Loot Craft booth and chatted with their crew They were kind enough to pass onto me one of the two convention exclusive items they were selling that day, the Stay Puft karate figure I decided to go more in-depth with[...]
LGBTQ Writers And Creators Talk Queer Pop Culture At NYCC 2017
Rosilyne Bean wrote from New York Comic Con 2017: New York Times tech columnist and book review editor Jude Biersdorfer hosted this year's Queer Pop Culture panel at NYCC She was joined by several artists, activists, and cosplayers in discussion of their experiences and work in the community. David Barclay Moore was there to discuss his novel The[...]
berger books
Rosilyne Bean reported from New York Comic Con 2017: At the Introduction to Berger Books panel at NYCC 2017, Karen Berger shared information about the new titles incoming from her team-up with Dark Horse Comics Accompanying her were several writers and artists of the forthcoming series Hungry Ghosts, written by Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose, will[...]
katie cook at nycc 2017
Bleeding Cool contributor Rich Epstein was at NYCC 2017 checking out the annual Katie Cook event: New York Comic Con isn't just for adults — there's plenty for kids to do, as well One of the more fun events every year is Katie Cook hosting a how-to session teaching youngsters how to draw some of their[...]
south park member berries challenge
Though, as I always say, defeat stings less against a worthy opponent. Watch below to see me get blasted with purple slime while you say to yourself, "Pfft, I totally knew that one." South Park is currently running its 21st season on Comedy Central — make sure to tune in so you don't get stumped next[...]
Beauty Of Horror coloring book
If you're a fan of the macabre, this book is for you! I was lucky enough to chat with Robert this past weekend at NYCC, who shared with me what inspired him the most to create these coloring books. When he came home from a tour with his band Life of Agony, he saw his wife[...]
100 Cosplay Photos From NYCC:
Bleeding Cool contributor Rich Epstein was at NYCC on the hunt for his favorite cosplays of the convention, Bleeding Cool reporters were on the scene over the weekend, and Adam Wolfe has sent us his collection of more than 100 cosplay photos that he'd gotten around the floor at the Javits Center The A-list cosplayers were[...]
'The Magicians': A Frank, Emotional Talk About Trauma And Mental Illness At NYCC
From Bleeding Cool reporter Amanda Gurall:   Syfy presented The Magicians at the Hammerstein Ballroom at NYCC with executive producers Sera Gamble and John McNamera and cast members Jason Ralph (Quentin), Stella Maeve (Julia), Olivia Taylor Dudley (Alice), Arjun Gupta (Penny) and Hale Appleman (Eliot) Summer Bishil, who plays Margo, was sick and did not attend. The Magicians Season[...]