The front above and the back below…
He's doing more sketch covers here if anyone fancies a look…
With NYCC cover quality commission slots available here…:
Joe will be attending New York Comic Con next month (October 8-11), and he is offering one full-size commission request to be delivered by the end of the convention…and this is it! Joe[...]
NYCC Archives
It's been a busy day at Midtown Comics Downtown in New York… they are selling the final round of NYCC tickets This will be your last chance. Some have gone…
3-Day New York Comic Con 2015 Tickets at @midtowncomics are sold out Please stay tuned for more updates #NYCC
— New York Comic Con (@NY_Comic_Con) September 20,[...]
Children 6 and older who would like to attend the other days of NYCC must purchase regular Tickets: 4-Day, 3-Day, and single day Thursday – Saturday Children 5 and under are free.
Only one purchase (transaction) per person is allowed.
NYCC tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-upgradeable and non-resalable.
Please note: Tickets will not[...]
The cover to Fight Club 2 #9 by David Mack, as seen in this Scott Allie interview by Hannah Means-Shannon.
Ken Haeser's Grumpy Cat #2 variant cover for Dynamic Forces.
A Greg Land variant for Amazing Spider-Man #1 for Dynamic Forces.
We have more Dark Knight III retailer exclusive variants…
Books-A-Million – Rafael Albuquerque
Borderlands Comics and Games – Klaus[...]
The Javits Center, home to the New York Comic Con and Special Edition: NYC, is blocks and blocks and blocks away from anything resembling a subway
How can NYCC 2015 be but a month away? There's plenty more to announce but here are a bunch of exclusive comic books, to debut and be exclusive to New York Comic Con next month.
Artgerm's NYCC exclusive cover for GI Joe #218, from his table at Artist's Alley
@CadezCaged Yes.
— Loot Crate (@lootcrate) September 7, 2015
Here's Larry Docherty of Larry's Comics variant, or "Lariant" (hilariant!) for the new issue of Enormous from 215 Ink, hitting NYCC in… ooh, five weeks time? Already? Blimey…
Here's Larry Docherty of Larry's Comics variant, or "Lariant" (hilariant!) for the new issue of Enormous from 215 Ink, hitting NYCC in… ooh, five weeks time? Already?[...]
NYCC is coming Which means so is the New York Super Week that precedes it Which begins with the premiere of the opening episode of The Walking Dead Season 6 at Madison Square Garden.
Here's what else is coming…
Two signings with renowned Japanese Manga Artist Masashi Kishimoto who will make his first appearances in the United States
They begin next week in StocktonCon.
Valiant Entertainment are announcing all of their upcoming comic con appearances until the end of the year, including NYCC, Baltimore, and Rose City Bound to be one near you Or near an airport that you can fly to…
Here's the full list if you don't want to squint.
Saturday, August 8th –[...]
So Ted 2 is out Seth McFarlane's sequel to Ted, the highest grossing R-Rated comedy of all time. Telling the story of a sentient teddy bear, all grown up
From Bleeding Cool's Derek Trum, from outside Special Edition: NYC minutes ago... In about two minutes the doors will open for the second day of Special This was the situation at Special Edition: NYC today as people came with the express purpose of lining up for
Bleeding Cool's Derek Trum wrote this while in line for Special Edition: NYC earlier today... Surprise, shock, and disbelief are the three best words that
More from Marvel at their Next Big Thing panel. We've already talked about Iron Man, Women of Marvel, Cosplay covers and Lando... so what else? From
Give him love.
As the doors opened everyone rushed the area to buy tickets for this year's NYCC Within 10 minutes a line formed that went all the way to the entrance As people came in they just filed in to the ticket line Quickly organizers capped the line and are now trying to discourage attendees[...]
As eBay prices rocket, even if the tickets may be cancelled by the organisers, all the NYCC tickets for 2015 have sold out – aside from Thursday and Friday.
Thursdays and Fridays are good Come for Thursday and Friday I'll see you there It's a lot easier to get through now…
UPDATE: Just Thursday left now…
The New York Comic Con have made it very clear that they will crack down on the reselling of tickets to the show this year by scalpers or ticket touts.
Forty minutes ago, tickets went onsale online for the New York Comic Con 2015.
But for many the link on the site to buy tickets stopped working,
***Hey #NYCC Fans! DO NOT GO TO THE WEBSITE! USE THIS LINK to buy tickets: #NYCC #NYCCTix***
— New York Comic Con (@NY_Comic_Con) May 13, 2015
An alternate link issued on[...]
For the last few years, Paris Comics Expo has been held in November in the city. An attempt to recreate the kind of Comic Con experience more common in
Last year, three day passes to New York Comic Con sold out in minutes. This year they go on sale at Noon ET, 9am PT and 5pm BST on Wednesday May 13th. Two
ReedPOP is the organiser of a number of comic book conventions around the world, including the New York Comic Con. And today it has announced that they What if Bear Grylls was unable to leave the confines of New York Comic Con and had to forage and fend for Special guest stars Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark help show you the best way to handle crowds at conventions. Patrick Willems attended New York Comic Con, with guest cosplay correspondent Kendra Pettis to talk to the
Mathias Beamen wrote from New York Comic-Con's panel: ComicsPro - So you want to be a comics retailer? All my friends dream of opening a bar. Free shots
New York is the greatest city in the world and LA stands for Lower Alabama.
New York is also home to the New York Comic Con (NYCC), billed as the largest pop culture event on the east coast I'm sure that's true It's a huge and impressive show to be sure Held at New York's[...]
There were meant to be huge amounts of SK Energy shot drinks with Daredevil and Punisher livery handed out at New York Comic Con. Well, there seem to have
In short, NYCC was… the shit.
In short, if you weren't there the only thing you need to know about NYCC is… you should have been there and you really need to consider getting on that next year But don't take it from me…take it from this half-naked cos-playing Iceman.
One of the most wonderful sights at[...]
About To Join Captain America 3 And It May Be The Civil War
150 Things We Learned At New York Comic Con 2014
Removing Lobo's Spine From Issue One
The Doctor Strange Shortlist Includes Some New Names
Marvel Teases More Civil War Next Year
More Beards And Eyepatches – The Future Of Marvel Comics
DC Comics Continue To Help The Bottom[...]
The Invaders: Angie's Blog, An All-Ages Science Fiction Webseries – Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh
Adi Tantimedh writes,
One thing I like about NYCC is to walk around and stumble upon something completely new that I never heard of That was how I was introduced to the booth for the all-ages webseries The Invaders: Angie's Logs, an comedy series about a precocious, unflappable seven-year-old girl named Angie (Catori Crawford) who sets[...]