We make no promises about the use of your time, however.
This week we've got Phoenix Resurrection #5, All-New Wolverine #30, Despicable Deadpool #293, Old Man Logan #34, and Jean Grey #11, but we're starting things off with Phoenix Resurrection #5:
Phoenix Resurrection #5
Writer: Matty Rosenberg
Artists: Leinil Francis Yu and Joe Bennett
Inkers: Gerry Alanguilan and Belardino Brabo
phoenix Archives
We make no promises about the use of your time, however.
This week, we've got Phoenix: Resurrection #4, X-Men Blue #20, X-Men: Blue Annual #1, and Legion #1 We'll kick things off with Phoenix Resurrection…
Phoenix Resurrection #4
Writer: Matty Rosenberg
Artist: Ramon Rosanas
Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Damage: $3.99
In the previous issue, the X-Men had traveled to New Mexico[...]
Despicable Deadpool #292, Old Man Logan #33, X-Men Blue #19, Cable #153, and X-Men Gold Annual #1, and Phoenix: Resurrection #3 Total cover price: $25 Total time it would take you to read those decompressed stories? Probably shorter than it took to read this introduction So technically, you won't be saving any time by reading[...]
The five of them have a connection thanks to their Excalibur days, and the three X-Men are eager to see Brian and Meggan's child.
Meanwhile, Starhammer, an alien whose species was wiped out by the Dark Phoenix, has an axe to grind with Rachel, current Prestige and former Phoenix.
In a back-up story, a girl and her[...]
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey #1 from Marvel Comics and by Matthew Rosenberg and Leinil Francis Yu comes out in December.
Just so you know, for this review I will be remaining spoiler free, so don't expect to learn anything about the actual events of this book But I will answer the question that[...]
[rwp-review-recap id="0"]
Jean Grey #8 from Marvel Comics by Dennis Hopeless and Victor Ibanez is the first issue in the series falling under the Marvel Legacy banner, continuing the teen Jean Grey's mission to try and find a way to stand up to the Phoenix Force that is making its way to Earth — and it[...]
We mentioned there'd be a Phoenix variant cover scheme coming in December to tie in with the release of Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey (you know, the adult one), written by now Marvel Exclusive Matthew Rosenberg and with art by Leinil Francis Yu.
Amazing Spider-Man cover by Ryan Stegman
Well, Marvel have decided to show[...]
Bleeding Cool also broke the news that Rosenberg's book would be called Phoenix Resurrection with Lenil Francis Yu, bringing Jean Grey back from the dead Marvel officially confirmed Bleeding Cool's scoop today by announcing that very book.
Additionally, Rosenberg will now be a Marvel EXCLUSIVE creator Rosenberg posted on Twitter:
Oh and I signed exclusive with @Marvel[...]
Spoilers ahead, and potential spoilers too I guess, so if you want to remain completely unspoiled and fresh, don't read further.
Oh, and probably don't read the New York Times or look at social media or watch TV from Monday, September 25th onwards.
We theorised that the returning character was in fact the Phoenix, and likely the[...]
Where House of M lead to Scarlet Witch cutting the mutant population down dramatically… this involved Hope Summers using the Phoenix Force, with the help of Scarlet Witch, to recreate a boatload of mutants… thus creating a redemption arc for Scarlet Witch and turning Cyclops into a murderer Which means that he will be redeemed[...]
Or is she?
Generations: The Phoenix cover by Stephanie Hans
This issue is the crux of the story of Generations: The Phoenix by Cullen Bunn Certainly, Rich posted his own article discussing what he felt the issue meant for Jean Grey's history, but I have a slightly different take.
Art by R.B Silva, Adriano Di Benedetto, and Rain[...]
Marvel continues to push their Marvel Legacy initiative, an event that Executive Editor Tom Brevoort says, "No character, no franchise will be untouched by the game-changing events that play out across its pages." Part of that includes introducing the 1,000,000 BC Avengers that include Odin, Iron Fist, Starbrand, Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Agamotto and Black Panther[...]
I'm still a bit wary of the amount of guest stars this book has lined up, as the Odinson has already been promised for next issue.
That being said, Jean Grey #3 surprised me with how much better it is at spotlighting its nominal star by using the ever-arrogant, ever-aggressive Namor as a foil to her.
Jean Grey[...]
After announcing some of their other exclusives already, they have now shown off two more offerings, and they are magnificent.
First up: Dark Phoenix One of the best sculpts they have done on one of these statues, I love that Jean is paired with the Phoenix, and the sculpt on the Phoenix is great Jean herself[...]
Outlaw Comicon, the wannabe rival to Phoenix Comicon, operating out of the same Phoenix Convention Center next year has seemingly taken advantage of the arrest at the show this year of a man who had evaded security, armed to the teeth, intending to murder a celebrity guest and as many police as he could.
As a[...]
As this year's Phoenix Comicon drew close, the excitement of my friends grew as their respective fandoms would be well represented and they would have the opportunity to show off their costumes, props, and meet friends they may have not seen since the last con they attended It is an event that surpasses and exceeds[...]
Following up a report of a man arrested at Phoenix Comicon for carrying real weapons, with a subsequent ban on a number of cosplay items, the official ban list has now been increased and solidified Phoenix Comicon director Matthew Solberg gives Bleeding Cool their new guidelines:
Please arrive with plenty of time[...]
The first brand new comic created by Willingham since Fables.
And those at Phoenix Comicon can get a 33 page preview of what's in store with the Lark's Killer 2017 Phoenix Comicon preview for $20 at booths 647,746, AA1613.
Those lucky enough to pick up a copy, let us know more…
Lark's Killer by Bill Willingham and Mark Dos[...]
More recently, and tying into a rebirth of the restrengthening of the X-Men franchise in the comics, X-Men have seen a slowly building return in these other mediums.
However, in some of the various mobile games Marvel has, such as Contest of Champions, X-Men characters have actually regularly been a part of those games since pretty[...]
Well, after the week since the release of X-Men Gold #1 and the controversy that the book and big ResurrXion relaunch found itself mired in, it's easy to
Not bad really.
The games is constantly adding new characters to play, most recently added were Phoenix, Baron Mordo, Doctor Voodoo, Hyperion and Howard the Duck.
https://youtu.be/-Pk9XpFGAFkVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Contest of Comments | Marvel Contest of Champions (https://youtu.be/-Pk9XpFGAFk)
Marvel's Contest of Champions mobile game is having their two year anniversary and to[...]
Which I think we all guessed when we learned the Teen Original 5 were hanging around in X-Men Blue.
As you may know, I'm not overall a fan of the Teen Original 5, but one thing about this does have my interest piqued, that's the sure: the Phoenix Force is returning to Earth.
Of course, the Phoenix[...]
But that is just what happened at last weekend's Phoenix Comicon.
Bleeding Cool: I am sitting here at Phoenix Comic Con talking to Josh Blaylock of DDP Publishing How are you doing today, sir?
Josh Blaylock: Good It's been a great show So I'm riding high on the momentum of the show.
BC: Well right off the bat,[...]
But Matthew Barta and SaraJean Greenaway of Nerd Team 30 took so many cosplay photos for Bleeding Cool from Phoenix Comicon that we had to compile them all in one massive post…
See yourself? Let us know in the comments!
All photos taken by Neil Greenaway and Matthew Barta
See Thursday/Friday and Saturday Cosplay photos from Phoenix Comicon here[...]
He also has a new action figure / comic line called Space Monstas debuting at Phoenix Comic Con I had a chance to sit down and talk to Denny (also known as Dennmann) about all of his projects, and what might be next.
Bleeding Cool: Let's start with Comics Never Stop Now this is a free newsprint[...]
Photo by Jay Boni.
Neil Greenaway (of Nerd Team 30) writes for Bleeding Cool –
It gets hot in Phoenix On Friday, it reached all the way up to 113 degrees So the attendees of Phoenix Comicon 2016 were understandably upset when the registration line to enter the convention was moved outside, with people having to wait[...]
SaraJean Greenaway (of Nerd Team 30) writes for Bleeding Cool-
It was the first night of Phoenix Comic Con on Thursday It's a short night for the convention, the floor is only open 5 hours and there is not a whole lot going on Luckily for us with Bleeding Cool, we ran into Chris Gore –[...]
SaraJean Greenaway (of Nerd Team 30) writes for Bleeding Cool-
The cosplay fans in Phoenix never cease to amaze me Friday's high temperature was a record setting 113 degrees and the cosplayers as well as the fans came out in droves Most of them even managed to smile as they were having photos taken Here is[...]
Neil Greenaway writes for Bleeding Cool from last week's Phoenix Comic Con, where he spoke to Nick Marino,
Bleeding Cool: Why don't we start with you telling us a little about yourself and your book.
Nick Marino: Ok The company I am here with is Action Lab: Danger Zone Actually, its Action Lab Entertainment's mature readers imprint[...]
So, there has been bad karma sent in the direction of Marvel Experience of Scottsdale, Arizona of late, with terrible reviews, local TV news getting involved in the slating, bad reviews of commentary being deleted from Facebook by the promoters and the occasional positive review getting drowned out in the hating.
Well, in for a penny…[...]