Developer SURT and publisher tinyBuild Games have an official release date for Rhythm Sprout, as the game is set to come out this February This is a rhythm-action title in which you will be playing a courageous knight off on a quest to stop the evil King Sugar Daddy from ruining the Vegetable Kingdom with[...]
Rhythm Sprout Archives
Indie developer SURT and publisher tinyBuild Games confirmed Rhythm Sprout will be coming to PC and all three major consoles next year As you may have guessed from the name, this is a rhythm title in which you will battle the forces of evil to the beat, as the Vegetable Kingdom is under attack from[...]
The crew at tinyBuild Games announced this week that they will be taking over as the publisher for the game Rhythm Sprout Developed by SURT, this is a new rhythm-action title in which you'll be slicing and dicing your way through a zany story with a colorful cast of characters, all set to the beat[...]