savage dragon Archives

Savage Dragon #250 - An Anniversary Issue Spent in Lockdown
Our best wishes and hopes for the future go out to all of our Marvel readers across the globe–with any luck, this will all be a faded memory by the time these words reach you." Well, that didn't work out did it? Savage Dragon #249 from Image Comics was the first mainstream superhero comic book to[...]
Savage Dragon #249 First Superhero Comic to Address COVID-19 Directly
Today sees the publication of Savage Dragon #249, the first issue in quite some time after the global pandemic set in Also, because of the length of publication process, the shutdown of the industry and the reticence of superhero comic books to address topical events directly, these days, it's the first to reflect the shutdown,[...]
A variant cover of Savage Dragon #250.
In celebration of Savage Dragon #250, comic book greats have come together to create 7 unique and beautiful covers celebrating this milestone issue Artists such as Walt Simonson, Frank Cho, Skottie Young, Ryan Ottley, and Rob Leifeld put their imaginations to work for this very special larger than life issue. Erik Larsen has followed the adventures[...]
A Look at Savage Dragon #250
But Erik Larsen has his own anniversary coming up – and that's of a comic book he has written and drawn every issue of (including going back to redo the issue that Jim Lee drew) whereas Todd McFarlane is considering it a big thing to be drawing five pages of #301… Savage Dragon #246 is out[...]
Auto Draft
In today's Savage Dragon #244, we get the return of the chicken-headed Powerhouse, heading up a superhero team, and being recruited by the TV people who have plagued – and funded – Malcolm Dragon's life to go head to head with Dragon in a PPV grudge match. But before that can happen, there has to be[...]
Savage Dragon #230 cover by Eric Larsen
Dragon isn't especially excited, but Maxine thinks this will be perfect for the family. Elsewhere, Maxine's mother tries to give Kevin a wardrobe upgrade to help improve his life. Plus, Angel and the others are still trapped in a hellish dimension. Savage Dragon #230 cover by Eric Larsen I've not actually encountered Savage Dragon before The most I've ever[...]
Erik Larsen Posts NSFW Savage Dragon Cover With A Little Censorship
Word came out recently that Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon was going to get a NSFW cover by artist Rafael Krás The issue, Savage Dragon #225, will be bagged and come with a paper cover that looks like this. Well, Larsen has just posted a censored version of the cover which he called 'hilarious' The image below[...]
Erik Larsen Relishes In Savage Dragon Becoming An 18+ Comic (SPOILERS)
In recent months, we've noted how Savage Dragon, noted for pushing content acceptability over the decades, had been pushing it further regarding sexual content With scenes and storylines closer in tone to Sex Criminals rather than classic Dragon. In today's issue, Erik Larsen relishes in the content rating the comic now has. So this issue of Savage[...]
Shutter #25 To Crossover With Image Founders' Characters For Image 25th Anniversary
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the founding of Image Comics, the 25th issue of Joe Keatinge and Leila del Luca's Shutter will feature appearances by characters from Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Sir Robert Liefeld's Glory, Marc Silvestri's Witchblade, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, Jim Valentino's Shadowhawk, and Robert Kirkman's Invincible, according to a press release sent out by[...]
Savage Dragon To Get A Very Very Big League Guest Star, Believe Us
But Image founder and Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen has a more pragmatic approach to the impending Trump presidency: he's having him guest star in his comic. On Facebook, Larsen posted: Some fans suggested a few gruesome caricatures, but Larsen explained: Trump won't have much an impact on the story, it seems, however: Though Larsen might change his mind[...]
Erik Larsen's Secret Origin Of Savage Dragon, 34 Years Ago
As tweeted by the big man… When Savage Dragon made the mass media for the first time… @robertliefeld I have no idea I think the photographer thought he was shooting a shitty '70s album cover. — Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) March 1, 2016     As tweeted by the big man… When Savage Dragon made the mass media for the first time… @robertliefeld[...]
The Joys Of Jupiter's Circle, The Savage Dragon, Mark Millar And Ayn Rand
Over in this week's Savage Dragon by Erik Larsen…. He's not the only one wanting super powered children to make a "better" world, either. Back in Jupiter's Circle, John Rockefeller wants a word… But back to Ayn Rand… who has a few observations to make, about superheroes and the Superman archetype standing in front of her. Rand's objectivism would value certain[...]
How Today's Savage Dragon Changed From Last Year's Free Comic Book Day Preview
Today's Savage Dragon finally joins the continuity established is 2015's Free Comic Book Day title Savage Dragon Legacy, as the plot catches up with the preview. Except it has changed rather dramatically In the back, Erik Larsen explains that he changed his mind, and wanted to keep the Savage Dragon's son, Malcolm Dragon out of the[...]
Today's Savage Dragon Out Sex Criminalizes Sex Criminals (SPOILERS)
Ba-Goom, the dictator of Dimension-X's Glum World travelled to Earth to challenge the Savage Dragon to combat, but was a little bit smaller that Dragon Unable to return, he befriended Dragon's daughter, Angel, who treated him as her toy And that was the status quo, until Glum got control of the God Gun which forced all of[...]
Savage Dragon Tries New Layout for Entire Issue
Savage Dragon is one of the longest running series from a single creator/creative team in American comic book history, challenged only by the likes of Cerebus and Groo Telling the story of an invading alien-turned cop, it has spun off in wide directions, challenging and shocking, but also playing with the medium as creator Erik[...]
The Savage Dragon Who Could Take A Lesson From The Dragon in Saga
Today's Savage Dragon follows up on what have been dubbed The Threesome Issue and The Foursome Issue But first, a spoiler warning from the cast themselves… Consider yourself warned At the end of the last issue, we discovered that one of the Foursome participants had turned up to tell Malcolm Dragon the news that she is[...]
Could Savage Dragon Be The Next Sex Criminals?
Bleeding Cool has reported on retailers upset that the Image Comics FCBD title this year is Savage Dragon, ahead of the spinoff launch of Savage Dragon: Legacy. They are still complaining and, odds are, will be complaining at the ComicsPRO meeting as well. One of the Image Comics launch titles from Image founder Erik Larsen, it recently[...]
Bleeding Cool's Best Comic Panels of 2014
Williams III Hannah Means-Shannon's choices are: The Cigar That Fell In Love With A Pipe, by David Camus and Nick Abadzis Fear, My Dear: A Billy Dogma Experience, by Dean Haspiel Schmuck: Discotheque, by Seth Kushner and George Jurard  Buzz Tippett's choice is:   Savage Dragon #199 by Erik Larsen Every page was a double page spread! The panels[...]
#FCBDGate – The Savage Dragon Factor (UPDATE)
Savage Dragon is one of my favourite superhero comic books, and has been for decades Constantly surprising, as well as full of explosive action, over the years the central character has gone up against God, Satan, Santa, John Byrne and a genocidal dictator disguised in a kid's soft toy collection It regularly goes places that[...]
SCOOP: The Twelve Gold Titles For Free Comic Book Day 2015 – Secret Wars, Doctor Who Event, Fight Club, Transformers, Pokemon, Bob's Burgers, The Strain, Iscariot And A New Savage Dragon Title
It appears that, despite cutting the overall number of Free Comic Book Day titles for 2015, there are still twelve Gold books available for retailers to order, so the cuts will impact on everyone else. But here are the twelve Gold Books that every retailer who wants to officially participate in Free Comic Book Day in[...]
Are They Going To Call It Savage Dragon #200? Or The Threesome Issue?
But today, in it's 200th anniversary issue, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon tackles the issue affecting us more than anything else today, where no mainstream superhero comic book has gone before, the threesome. Savage Dragon #200 Of course, it doesn't start off that way. Savage Dragon #200 As Malcolm moves in with his girlfriend, it finally gets real. I say "real",[...]
Things To Do On The West Coast In December If You Like Comics
See you on the flip side and have a wonderful December! California Comic book creator and Image Comics co-founder Erik Larsen will be at Isotope Comics in San Francisco on Wednesday, December 10 from 4 to 7 PM to celebrate the 200th issue of Savage Dragon. Culver City's The Comic Bug will host writer Mike Mignola, who will[...]
Erik Larsen Teases Savage Dragon #200
Erik Larsen has been on twitter is teasing the upcoming Savage Dragon #200 which will be in stores 12/10/2014 Here are six of the pages from the book Getting to a 200th issue on an independent title is very impressive. Erik Larsen has been on twitter is teasing the upcoming Savage[...]
33 Thoughts About 33 Comics Today – Harley Quinn, Saga, Nova, Worlds End, Futures End, Rasputin, Savage Dragon, Southern Bastards, Black Science, Deadpool & Captain America, Wolverine & The X-Men, Adventure Time x2, Uber, Thought Bubble 2014, Crossed, God Is Dead, War Stories, Sinestro, Thunderbolts, Inhuman, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Axis Revolutions, Carnage, Deathlok, Wonder Woman, Shadow, Phantom, Pathfinder, Transformers, Little Nemo, Doodle Jump, Bob's Burgers
Little Nemo #2 demonstrates the treats in store. Such as Savage Dragon #199, where every page in this comic is a double page splash, going from Hell to Earth in time for a certain Savage Dragon #200 next month… but how much bigger can they go than this? Well Thought Bubble Anthology 2014 has one idea, folding[...]