scout's honor Archives

Scout's Honor #5 Review: Highly Recommended
Likewise, elements of "hoisted by his own petard" come into play with the series' Seventh Law for a wonderful bit of dramatic resolution, giving each main character a complete arc. Scout's Honor #5 Cover Credit: Aftershock Comics Kit is considered a "heretic," a teenaged girl who has masqueraded as a boy to be a member of the[...]
Scout’s Honor #4 Review: Horrible Secrets Revealed
Like N'Jadaka bringing his awful education home to Wakanda, Scout's Honor #4 shows the dangers of all the cards being laid on the table The question now raised is if this, in fact, is would there be a better chance for civilization to find root in the bitter soil left after a nuclear war? Scout's Honor[...]
Scout's Honor #3 Review: Makes Every Panel Count
Scout's Honor #3 is a great culmination of the story threads that have been built in this brilliant indie post-apocalyptic Mulan tale With very personal stakes and characters pushing towards their own journeys, this issue makes every panel count. Scout's Honor #3 Cover Credit: Aftershock Comics The Ranger Scouts, following a dog-eared manual from before nuclear weapons[...]
Scout’s Honor #2 Review: Ratchets Up The Tension
Given that Kit is Mulan-ing it in masquerade, that just ratchets the up tension in Scout's Honor #2 even higher. Scout's Honor #2 Cover Credit: Aftershock There are four big emotional beats in this issue that make it really stand up Spoiling them would be poor form, but suffice it to say that Kit's new understanding of[...]
Scout’s Honor #1 Review: The Power (And Danger) Of Myth
How good is the message if you're not sure you can trust the messenger? Scout's Honor #1 Cover Credit: Aftershock Comics Two hundred and eighty-six years after a nuclear armageddon, a group of young people called Ranger Scouts follow a code laid down in a tattered old book they all treat as gospel The ideas in it[...]