To say that things with The Brave and the Bold got a bit crazy there a couple of months ago would be an understatement Director Andy Muschietti seemed to imply that the film was postponed, which sent the internet into a frenzy James Gunn took to social media to try and get everyone to calm down about[...]
The Brave and the Bold Archives
While most people are freaking out over The Batman Part II getting delayed another year and Gunn told everyone to chill about that, director Andy Muschietti said on a podcast recently that he wasn't working on The Brave and the Bold next and specifically used the word "postponed." Gunn has been very open about the fact that[...]
One of those projects that was announced with the initial crop is The Brave and the Bold, which actually has a director However, that doesn't mean it's any further along than other projects Director Andy Muschietti was hired to direct The Brave and the Bold in June 2023, but it's been all quiet on the Western front[...]
And it's the upcoming Andy Muschietti-directed Batman: The Brave and the Bold from DC Studios' Jams Gunn & Peter Safran that they have their sights set on. Produced by Muschietti's sister & creative partner Barbara Muschietti via their label Double Dream, as well as by Gunn and Safran, the film is set to be based on Grant[...]
James Gunn's Batman movie based on the Grant Morrison/Andy Kubert storyline Batman & Son, will be called Batman: The Brave and the Bold So it's the right time for DC Comics to launch a new Batman: The Brave And The Bold anthology comic book, following up on the 1955 original, even though all three things[...]
Even The Brave and The Bold, announced as the cannon Batman film in Chapter 1 of Gods and Monsters, features Damien Wayne instead of Dick.
But he is used to that Being one of the internet's favorite characters can sometimes be a detriment Still, I have to believe a character as important and popular as Nightwing[...]
There are people that are anti-heroes, and there are people that are very questionable, like The Authority, who basically believe that you can't fix the world in an easy manner, and they sort of take things into their own hands."
The Brave and the Bold
The Brave and the Bold will be a title that people recognize,[...]
He dons the cowl and goes to investigate the mystery.
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1 cover by Liam Sharpe and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Why would a pagan deity say "Jaysus?"
For a relaunch of The Brave and the Bold, it wastes all the time in the world to get its two heroes to[...]
After all, she loved The Brave and The Bold cartoon (who didn't?) so this will be a great substitute for that much lamented series Besides, I can't think of a more fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon The full schedule can be found here and looking down the list, whether it's the campy[...]
The Teen Titans debuted in issue #54 of The Brave and the Bold, created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani The team in that issue included Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad Wonder Girl was also first introduced in issue #60 of The Brave and the Bold and the team was called the Teen Titans for[...]