the old guard 2 Archives

Production Begins On The Old Guard 2, 2 BTS Images
Netflix has ceased its personal attack against me and me alone by releasing some information on The Old Guard 2 The first film was one of the pandemic success stories as it did exceptionally well for the streaming service when it was released in July 2020 The numbers were excellent, and it seemed like the perfect[...]
The Old Guard 2: Charlize Theron - Script is Done, Filming Next Year
According to What On Nexflix, The Old Guard 2 has scheduled reshoots next month from October 7th to October 18th, 2024 When people see "reshoots" now, they start to panic, but reshoots are very common, and this type of reshoot happens all the time and is more commonly known as "pickups." They are scheduled when small[...]
The Old Guard 2: Charlize Theron - Script is Done, Filming Next Year
It already took them forever to greenlight The Old Guard 2, and once the movie got off the ground and wrapped, we heard nothing else about it Not that long ago, we got some hints from star Matthias Schoenaerts that things behind the scenes were the reason the film hadn't made it to Netflix yet, and[...]
The Old Guard 2: Charlize Theron - Script is Done, Filming Next Year
We still don't have a date, but Matthias Schoenaerts, who played Booker in the first film and is returning for The Old Guard 2, spoke to Collider and revealed that the film is in post-production. "We shot it approximately a year and a half ago, and I think they're hitting the last stage of post-production," Schoenaerts[...]
Production Begins On The Old Guard 2, 2 BTS Images
The rest of the cast from the first movie is also set to return for The Old Guard 2 However, in the last ten months, there has been radio silence which is, again, personally offensive to me There was hope that Netflix would deliver the goods over Geeked Week, but we got nothing, which was[...]
The Old Guard 2: Henry Golding and Uma Thurman Join the Cast
The lack of news coming out of Geeked Week about The Old Guard 2 was personally offensive to me The Old Guard was one of the biggest movies for Netflix in 2020, but unlike other big movies for the platform, like Enola Homes or Extraction, we haven't heard much about a sequel In June of 2021, star[...]
The Old Guard 2: Charlize Theron - Script is Done, Filming Next Year
Studios will rarely sign casts for one-off movies, and instead, they will sign everyone on for trilogies because everyone wants a trilogy. THE OLD GUARD (2020) – (L to R) Marwan Kenzari as Joe, Matthias Schoenaerts as Booker, Charlize Theron as Andy, Luca Marinelli as Nicky, Kiki Layne as Nile.Photo Credit: AIMEE SPINKS/NETFLIX ©2020 We don't know[...]