webcomics Archives

From Strip To Script – The Webcomic Camp Weedonwantcha
Right now, I'm chipping at the tip of the iceberg in terms of various types of comics, before I start getting weird with the various scripting styles. So let's see: I've done American superhero comics, American independent comics, Japanese adventure comics…let's do my personal favorite comics delivery system: webcomics. Why are webcomics my favorite? As a reader: hey,[...]
Webcomic Spotlight: Nonesense And Terrible Terrible Terrible Are Two To Watch
What can I say? Nobody's perfect I guess. So here we are; two webcomics that have caught my interest, and while it's far too early to really write anything substantial about them, hopefully you'll be able to see the beginnings of some new and exciting webcomics as they develop. Nonesense, by Francis Marshall At present there isn't really[...]
Broodhollow, Chainsawsuit, Horror And Webcomics: Talking With Kris Straub
By Patrick Dane Kris Straub has been working in the webcomics industry since the turn of the century In internet time, that's quite a while If the world wide web was as old as the Earth, he'd have started writing when the super-continent Columbia formed (Trust me, I did the math) In that time, webcomics have[...]
Celebrating Dark Horse's Women In Comics – Elfquest's Wendy Pini Is Proud To Be A 'Tough, Stubborn, Long-Surviving Woman Pioneer'
Since 1978, the world of Elfquest has inspired the minds and artistic bent of generations of readers, and the unstoppable trajectory of its ever-expanding world has moved through various platforms, displaying the full versatility of the comics medium, from mainstream publishing, to self-publication, webcomics, and now back to print in a new incarnation with Dark[...]
ShiftyLook Closes – But Udon To Keep Their Comics Going If They Can
Namco/Bandai's funded webcomics in an attempt to revive faded video game IP launched big, recruited talent, had a large presence at comic conventions, but that has faded of late… Big parties, big publicity, great creator names but in the end… sad indifference, when they investment doesn't make the income. But they aren't totally going away[...]
Tapastic: Trudgingly Oblivious Is Anything But
Now I am a sucker for a good collaborative project it's true, but I am a total 1st level elf mage (that's a thing right?) when it comes to webcomics Webcomics have scared the hell out of me for years, making me feel woozy at the seemingly endless tides of them lapping at the digital[...]
Paul Martinez Explains Starting Your Own Webcomic
You might not find those skills as helpful in your work but I use them often! Learn everything you can, it will all come in handy! HTML, Javascript, It's so overwhelming! I started and stopped a lot of comic projects before the advent of webcomics These projects sit in stacks of blueline paper in my closet and they[...]
A Song Called City
Inspired by the teachings of the Halfpixel/Webcomics Weekly crew, we decided to merge our love for the classic DC Vertigo stories with the webcomics model Our new comic would be available to read for free online but at the same time, would also be long form, intended for mature audiences and deal with subjects like[...]
The Final Edition Of Freakangels
It's been three and-a-half years. Today Avatar published the final chapter of Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield's Freakangels, the long running webcomic set