Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: alex kingston, doctor who, doctor's wife, dragon con, Dragon Con 2017, dragoncon, jodie whittaker, river song
Alex Kingston Talks River Song's Plans For Jodie Whittaker's Doctor
Labor Day weekend has come and gone, with it Dragon Con and a panel with Alex Kingston. Whovians know her as River Song, wife of The Doctor, 90's tv fans know her as Dr. Elizabeth Corday from ER, we know her as awesome.
The panel went about how most of them do; chatting about the event (this was Alex's second Dragon Con), the weather, and the fan photo ops she'd just finished before making it to the panel.
Audience questions started almost immediately, which was nice for the gathered fans, and somehow morphed into Alex asking Doctor Who trivia questions with rewards for correct answers in the form of bananas. Yes, bananas.
The majority of the questions centered around Kingston's strength in her roles, but also her experiences with ageism in Hollywood.
I'm just sort of….me. And of course every time it's the 11th of March I know that I'm getting another year wiser. But I live day to day, just being me. And so I am not necessarily conscious of my age. When it comes to work, I'm aware, there are roles I can't go up for anymore, or roles that I should be going up for but they're casting way younger than is actually real. But I suppose I've been really lucky to be given a role where River is sort of ageless in a way, it's fluid.
It's funny, because the majority of us are probably not aware of how GOOD we look as women in this day and age. I mean we are fitter, we're healthier, and I think prouder than our mother's and grandmother's generation. I mean it wasn't that long ago when it was believed that as soon as you turn 50, you're considered dead from the bellybutton down. I'm certainly not. *the audience goes wild*
But the real big news was when Alex was asked about what's next on her docket, and she mentioned she wanted to return to theater. If you haven't seen the PHENOMENAL production of "Macbeth" she did with Mr. Shakespeare himself Kenneth Branagh you REALLY should.
That said, she also mentioned that she was going to "call the BBC and let them know River is ready to meet her second wife." To which, of course, the audience exploded. "Why not? She (River) said it!"