Posted in: CBS, streaming, TV | Tagged: big brother, cbs, paramount plus, reality tv, recap, season 23
Big Brother Season 23 E26 Recap: The Anger In Seeing Women Succeed
We're now up to the twenty-sixth episode of CBS' Big Brother Season 23 and spoilers are plentiful & heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article on the most recent addition to the Jury house this season on Big Brother. From the start, we got a look at how the HOH competition went down and exactly who Tiffany was up against in those last moments before she won the title again. The competition got tedious and then rough once things were sprayed at the houseguests and bubbles continued to flow towards them as they hung on to the ropes as best they could. The person last standing alongside Tiffany was Kyland and in any case, a member of the Cookout alliance would win the HOH title, but Tiffany is not one to compromise on a competition.
The dilemma over who the Cookout wanted up on the block versus what Tiffany looked towards differed obviously, with it being either Alyssa or Claire, but it would still push forward plans for this alliance to be in the final six. While I can understand the worry members of the Cookout express seeing Tiffany not having thrown the HOH competition, they seem to have also lost worry about their own singular games. Alliance or not, Big Brother doesn't end up being a group activity in the final two.
While Alyssa sobs about the game "not being real life" my eyes roll into the back of my skull. While the environment may take certain tolls on people, it is still a game and concerning how much the men of the Cookout and Alyssa have forgotten that. Getting closer to the final six, many members of the Cookout alliance (mainly the men…let's be honest) continued to act like Alyssa and walk around with a mini-tantrum not realizing the importance of individual game alongside alliances. Meanwhile, Hannah is playing an incredibly smart game seeing the benefit in the alliance but also in the breakaway from a hive mind mentality it has fostered for others in the Cookout. Personally, all I see is men in the Big Brother house using any excuse possible to place an entirely negative narrative on Tiffany in the HOH title. At some point, the personal game has to be taken into account for the Cookout members. While some like Tiffany and Hannah think forward towards the grand prize while also balancing the Cookout's interests, others fail to realize how important remembering the personal games can be from the very beginning of Big Brother.
Alyssa presented an interesting numbers game to Tiffany, offering herself next to her in the final two, proposing a guaranteed win for the current HOH based on those already in the Jury house. It was something for her to think about going into the nomination ceremony where anything could have happened. In the ceremony, Tiffany made her decision after much tension, nominating Alyssa and Xavier. The ceremony concluded, with reasoning focusing on the individual game. No one "selfishly" decided to win HOH, Xavier seems to think so though and I have a slight idea it might have to do with something female strength presenting itself to the men of the Cookout. We'll see who gets some power in the veto competition on Wednesday at 8 PM EST. on CBS.