Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: Cesaro, wrestling, wwe
Glass Half Full Cesaro Still Waiting to Become Top Star in WWE
After ten years spent in WWE never rising above the midcard, a lesser man that WWE Superstar Cesaro would probably give up. But despite all evidence to the contrary, Cesaro seems convinced that his moment will come one day. And maybe that day will be soon.
In an interview with right-wing tabloid The New York Post, Cesaro expressed optimism that he could win the Elimination Chamber, beat Roman Reigns for the title, and follow in the footsteps of Kofi Kingston two years ago.
"Just two years ago we had 'KofiMania,' right. That was kicked off by [the] Chamber as well," said Cesaro in the interview. "As much as I feel every moment of the year is important, this part of the year where it goes into WrestleMania season is overdrive. It's important to pick up some momentum and it's also really hard to pick up some momentum. I feel like I've managed to do that. I'm extremely excited. I'm also excited for all the people who have been supporting me over the past years. Hopefully, I make them proud."
Aw, Cesaro, you make us all proud just being a midcarder. Nobody blames you for WWE's terrible booking. Cesaro revisited the topic of why he hasn't become a top level star in WWE later in the interview, reiterating his happy-to-be-here strategy.
"I think there have been a lot of different variables that go into it," Cesaro said. "Sometimes I feel like the squeaky wheel gets the grease kind of thing. Sometimes something that's always there and reliable you kind of start to overlook it because you take it for granted. I always try to create as much momentum as I could and do the best with what I was given and am given and I think that's the important part. Just keep working hard and make the best every single time with the opportunities that you're given."
Cesaro named several other stars that didn't "make it" until later in their careers, such as Edge and Bret Hart, and then he said that he's considered going to another company, but instead chose to believe that one day his ship will come in. "Of course, you start to think, OK what are other options or other possibilities. How can improve my standing maybe through some outside ventures or whatever? But in the end, I just figured OK when the right moment comes I'll be ready and I'll knock it out of the park."
Just like the knight at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Cesaro will be on WWE Smackdown tonight, and in the Elimination Chamber on Sunday. Will he finally get his breakthrough moment? No. But we're rooting for him anyway.