Posted in: Review, TV, USA Network | Tagged: bleeding cool, cable, Dark Army, ecorp, elliot, episode 11, eXit, fcorp, fsociety, mr robot, Review, season 4, streaming, television, tv, usa, USA Network, whiterose, zhang
"Mr. Robot" Preps Big "eXit" in Disturbing, Trippy Fashion [SPOILER REVIEW]
Hello again, friends. We're getting dangerously close to the end – and I mean the end end – of USA Network's star-studded dark darling Mr. Robot, but before Sunday's finale, there's still this past week's episode to cover.
This was the last regular episode of Mr. Robot, because the finale is a two – that's right, TWO – hour special.
I would say it was an extra special episode…but honestly? It was incredibly well-acted, but story-wise I found it mostly just setup for the spectacular series finale.
Before we get into it – there are of course MAJOR SPOILERS for the episode as well as (for like the fourth time this season) a very visual depiction of an incredibly sensitive issue, especially at the holidays.
Now then. Pretty much the first half of the episode is the culmination of the Whiterose v Elliot game of cat and mouse – er, cat and cat fighting over a mouse? I digress. But we do see the end of it (at least we think – it could be a bait and switch) and it's more The Room and less Fight Club.
Oh yes – after a very in-depth and deep discussion on the nature of humanity, Whiterose shoots herself in the head. And Elliot is left with no way of reversing the nuclear meltdown. For real – this isn't an episode of Riverdale, this actually happened in the show.
For those of you keeping track at home, that's now four different characters who have killed themselves (or attempted to – I'm counting that one in with it) in this season alone. Hell, really in the back half of this season. And it's a lot, especially given the holiday theme.
But that's not even the strangest part of the hour. Oh no, friend. You haven't seen anything yet. The first half was talking heads and an argument about the the morality of caring for other people…so the last half must be…a bizarre disassociation dream sequence from Elliot?
Yep – that's exactly what we got…maybe. We think. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop, because there's no way they're pulling a Wizard of Oz "it was all a dream" bullsh*t on us at the very end.
Though it was nice to see Angela alive again, Elliot's dad and her mom died thanks to workplace negligence from E Corp (F Corp?). So…did the reactor blow and kill Elliot, sending him to some kind of heaven? Was it all just existing in a snow globe this whole time?
They better not do that to us. I have faith that the boys behind Mr. Robot know how to end a series, and that isn't it. Besides, Leon basically told us they wouldn't pull stunts like that. So there's got to be a logical explanation for all these wedding shenanigans in the finale.
Even if the explanation is that Elliot is crazy and Whiterose is still manipulating him – there's got to be some kind of reasoning behind it all… right? Don't leave me hanging, Mr. Robot! Please?
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