Posted in: Fox, TV | Tagged: fox, new york comic con, NYCC, the gifted, the gifted season 2
Polaris Asks Where Her Dad Is – The Gifted at New York Comic Con
[Editor's note: This write-up comes to us from Rich Epstein who reported on The Gifted panel on behalf of Bleeding Cool during 2018's New York Comic Con.]
With the second season underway, the show runner (Matt Nix) and members of the cast of The Gifted stopped by New York Comic Con to discuss what we can expect as the season unfolds. Joining Nix were moderator and head of Marvel Television Jeph Loeb, Amy Acker (Kate Strucker), Emma Dumont (Polaris), Sean Teale (Eclipse), Jamie Chung (Blink), Coby Bell (Jace Turner), and Grace Byers (Reeva).
The panel kicked off with a clip from Tuesday's episode, followed by some questions from Loeb to the rest of the panel. The biggest news that was dropped was that the Morlocks will be making an appearance during season two, and it sounded like blink may find a place with them as her relationship with Thunderbird starts to strain. One minor nugget that seemed to slip out of Dumont is that Polaris will fly this season. Once.
We're also going to be seeing the rise of the Purifiers, as Jace finds himself in a dark place while seeking justice for his daughter. It's no surprise that they would show up, as the first season certainly showed that mutants and humans are not living in perfect harmony.
To that end, Nix said that season one spent a lot of time setting the tone and creating the world that the show inhabited. With that done, the show can now focus on the characters and exploring their backgrounds. Expect to see young Polaris and Blink during the season.
Nix also talked about how divided the country has become, and how that type of divide is typical of the world of the X-Men. With what is currently going on, the show can work as a window into the news.
When asked about playing an evil character, Byers joked "I don't even think she's bad y'all. I just think she's passionate." Byers then spoke a bit about how growing up in poverty and biracial allows her to understand Reeva, a character who is tired of apathy, and now that she has power she is going to protect her people.
Then it was Teale's turn to talk about Eclipse's choices, specifically in choosing morality over love. Teale didn't see it that way, saying that Eclipse didn't think that Polaris would stay away for so long. He was coming from a place where two wrongs don't make a right, and fighting for co-existence. Teale did wonder how long before Eclipse says "screw it, I want my lady and my baby."
Chung talked about how Blink is currently in a "snuggle puddle" with Thunderbird and her dog, which has grounded her inner turmoil. However, it certainly sounded like things will not stay so rosy by the time the Morlocks are introduced. She joked that there was no budget for Blink to be portaling around given how much money was spent on lasers this season.
Asked about her own character's decisions, Dumont said that Polaris is an alpha female, who had an opportunity to team up with some other powerful women who were getting things done. Polaris is fighting for the future of mutant kind, and was willing to put that before her relationship with Eclipse.
Acker talked a bit about Kate, and the struggle that she has been going through. She is so driven to find Andy that she has neglected other members of her own family.
When one fan asked about whether the Disney acquisition of Fox could lead to other Marvel characters in the show, Dumont asked "Where's my dad? I want my dad." Likewise, when another fan asked if Magneto was right all along, Dumont said that her father was right, and appeared ready to fight she someone suggested otherwise.
The Gifted season 2 is currently airing on FOX.